This chick rocks harder than I do

AlexStomp said:
...Jimmy Paige, Jimi Hendrix, Clapton, Keith Richards, Slash, Halen, Joe Perry, those are the best because they were so innovative...
Great list, but I would add Chuck Berry and Pete Townshend. :kickass:
DarrellDethSDMF said:
No man, I don't mean to be an asshole, I'm just saying that even though she played some parts faster than Eddie usually does, that don't mean she's a better player. I'm sure Eddie could play Eruption as fast as he wanted to, but I don't think that's the point. Maybe he was having an off night. My point is just that no matter how fast they play, no one can touch EVH when it comes to guitar playing. Forget about Steve Vai and Joe Satriani, Eddie's they guy who they all learned from.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not ripping on EVH, I love all that early stuff, but I stand by my statement. I ain't saying she's a better guitar player, she just happened to play that particular solo better than EVH did the night I saw him.
AlexStomp said:
yeah, let's not find out !! That chick looks like a dude !!!

I'm not sure if learning so much technical shit at such a young age with loads of lessons is a such a good thing.

Vai and Satch may rock hard but can you name 10 songs of theirs?

Jimmy Paige, Jimi Hendrix, Clapton, Keith Richards, Slash, Halen, Joe Perry, those are the best because they were so innovative.

Morello is doing some really innovative stuff even though I'm not a big fan of Audioslave.

She looks like a little girl.
Vai and Satch may rock hard but can you name 10 songs of theirs?
i don't think i can name 5 songs total between them (no offence to their fans) i'm just not big on guitar vituroso dudes.
I can name plenty songs by Satch, because he's nothing like a typical "shredderr with no feeling", if anyone actually bothers to listen to an album like Surfing With the Alien or Crystal Planet.
Vai on the other hand is pretty meh.