I'm Alive with Don Nelson Vs. Joey Belladonna

Fistful of Metal seriously needs some remastering-love. However, it depends on the condition of the master tapes. Hopefully they have been taken good care of. I would like to hear this album remastered, maybe with some rare bonus tracks, like some of the early demos.
Rob was so young back then...perhaps we can forgiive him. Yes it is live but does NOT sound like it is...don't know whether that's good or bad. I like the energy of that record. I think those versions are tight and somehow fresh. They should have filmed that session...I'd buy a copy...NOT six.


I was there and I'm pretty sure they filmed it. Maybe it'll see the light of day in the distant future.
Nelson is the best metal-frontman ever! *Not*
Nelson rather came across like a wild gorilla than a metal-singer. in all honesty they could have had a gorilla on stage instead of Nelson, it wouldn't have made any difference. thank god they decided to get a singer again.

Yeah I only saw him once and I had already seen YouTube clips of him. I was like ehhhh, we'll see when the LP comes out. He sucked.