the worst decision was that they just couldn't keep their shit together. They released The Greater Of Two Evils, said the songs finally sounded the way they wanted to hear them and in a month time they reunite with Joey, who they had slagged all the way. Then talked about how the band was on fire yet they "missed John Bush and wanted to be with him again". Then they all of a sudden hire a no-name, young guy, praising him how this was the best singer they had ever had and they record an album, supposedly the best they ever did, yet one day they fire him all of a sudden, lie about him being seriously ill, then Scott and Charlie talk about tears of joy and psychicall collapse because of John Bush playing with them again, and how the reunion had been a stupid idea, the lion versus the bird, and in a few weeks time Joey is back, the greatest singer of all time, there was no record with Dan Nelson etc one other band which has done that.