Do you know who rules?

Oh man, not another one of these dumb threads. Okay, just to be polite: Carnal Forge.
Bands that sound similar to At The Gates (some of them sound more like earlier At The Gates, and some sound more like later At The Gates):

VII Arcano
Black Dahlia Murder (I don't think they're that good though)
Ceremonial Oath
Intestine Baalism

if you're talking abot pre-SotS then this is just a shit thread

if not then this is a shit thread and you suck :)
Everything by At The Gates sucks. I've tried, I've really tried to like them. But nope, they've never written a single decent song, EVER.

The only good band to come out of Sweden that had anything to do with the 'scene' involving bands like ATG, In Flames, and Dark Tranquillity was Dissection. Dissection slays. I'm gonna pop in Somberlain right now.
Jean-Pierre, fucking fuck. FUCK. ATG are fuckin awesome, just cause you don't like them doesn't mean they suck and have written no good songs...
Mr.Toby said:
Jean-Pierre, fucking fuck. FUCK. ATG are fuckin awesome, just cause you don't like them doesn't mean they suck and have written no good songs...

They really aren't that good and anyone with an iota of musical taste knows that Dissection fucking owns them.
I'm sure Dissection are good, wung, but I've never heard any. ATG are a good band, and Jean-Pierre was going ape
Perhaps he hasn't heard any and just wants to disagree
...This is a discussion thread. Did it say 'fans only' in the title? No.

There are many, MANY Swedish extreme bands who own Dissection's bollocks.
"Riding Our Black Oceans" isn't as good as "The Red in the Sky is Ours" but you'll like it, I should think. It takes a lot of listens for Sacramentum to show their true worth, I think. They sound very glossy at first. You'll be eating your words at some point in your life. ;)
The Red in the Sky is Ours is among the greatest death metal albums of all time, and even though I like Dissection(obviously I liked them a hell of alot more at my join date), it is far superior to anything they've released. Dissection's good, but highly overrated. There are much better Swedish releases.