Do you like soccer?


Nov 20, 2002
Santiago de Chile
Visit site
I love this game, soccer...

My favourite team is "Universidad de Chile" the best team in my country.
naaah... the only soccer i enjoy watching is is the world cup, it has the best players, the largest arenas and largest party surrounding it, other football-events like the nationalleagues, don't interest me the slightest, it just doesn't feel the same.
i generally dislike others sports as well but athletics, now there's an exception :)
go kajsa bergqvist!! :hotjump:
Originally posted by NapalmForLunch
i dont but there are many hot soccer chicks

You do know that most of them are lesbians dont you?

Now Kajsa Berqvist as Spaffe mentioned earlier, she is beautiful...
Chelsea?? Pah, they don't even play on grass, they use a beach instead. ;)

And rugby UNION is a great game. I used to play a bit at dinner-time in school... but never much. Rugby league is pants. :p