Do you like soccer?

Soccer kicks ass. Anyone see the champions league semi yesterday?
I'm fucking POSITIVE that ref was bought, but fortunately, milan are in the finals. and that match was hella exciting.
its good to see people supporting the real football not the american game in which you use hands but call it football. anyway im a huge everton fan and we have had a great season but those bastards Man Utd who i despise with a passion and always have done saw to it that we didnt get into europe. And its bloody irritating hating Man Utd when you live in manchester.
Milan's in the final =)
Anyone catch the real - juve match yesterday?
I've never seen real play so fucking shitty! Guti missed a clear shot from the friggin penalty spot, and raul missed a penalty. Juve won 3-1, but had real scored on those two goals it'd be Real - Milan in the finals. Such shite. Anyways, now I can only hope milan kicks juve's ass 7-0 in the final :D