Do You Like Watching Music Videos?


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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If there was a video made for every song you like, would you just listen to the CD or listen with the video?

I like videos. I like to see what the artist does with a song - how they interpret it to the screen. I'm not talking about live performance videos - but ones made to studio recordings.

My ultimate choice, though, would still be the CD. I can close my eyes, and get more intimate with the music.
The proliferation of DVDs in metal means we never did learn our lesson. Making music a visual thing puts the focus on something other than the music, which is very, very destructive for everybody.
I've quit downloading mp3s about a year ago and now I only get videos.. I love videos.. especially in digital format :)
But the truth is that CDs come more in handy... u just put the cd in the player and that's it.. and u don't have to sit in a place for the whole duration of it.. so I'd go for CDs most of the time.. but just because of these reasons..
videos are pointless, its not the artists interpretation of the song, its that of some director that the record company hired, that aside metal videos are usually on a very low budget and very shit, i'd rather they just have a clip from a gig to play with the song, probably the only music video that i actually like is the extended version of one by metallica...
There might be music videos out there I would be interested in, but I am perfectly happy with the mental images I create when listening to music.
....I love videos.


There are some awesome Tool video's, and i really appreciate 'The Grand Bizarre' and 'Fire in the head' videos from The Tea Party.

So yeah, i like videos IF they are good.
Originally posted by Trapped
....I love videos.


There are some awesome Tool video's, and i really appreciate 'The Grand Bizarre' and 'Fire in the head' videos from The Tea Party.

So yeah, i like videos IF they are good.

The Tea Party collection DVD with their 14 videos is great. Love the video for Babylon, Sister Awake, Fire In The Head, Temptation .......yeah - all of them.

I believe a lot of what Moonchild says - can you really tell if the video is the artists rendition or something else? I always liked Peter Gabriel videos, and Tool does great work.

I would then agree with Oyo, only if I knew it wasn't the artists viewpoint of their music I was watching. If someone is going to "make-up" an image to a song - let it be me. But, how do you really know? Can't be cynical all the time - there has to be "honest" videos, that are exactly how the artist wanted it. Then I should see those over my made-up mental images.

Damn - another quandry in life.
If there was a video made for every song you like, would you just listen to the CD or listen with the video?
listen to the CD coz I can´t concentrate to the music by watching TV and listening to the song at the same time :lol:

I like metal videos from the early 80`s coz they are fun :D
Originally posted by Trapped
There are some awesome Tool video's
Tool videos are done by a member of the band, he also does all the artwork for the albums i believe, cant remember which one it is but thats why their artwork/videoclips suit their music so well. And yeh i love the tool videos, the older ones for prison sex and uh sober (is that the other one?) with the puppet things is awesome, the only music videos i'd call 'art' that ive seen.
Metal videos rules...

... if you need a good laugh :)

Check the amazing Immortal and Rhapsody's videos and try not to die laughing...

If you are still alive, check Pegazus and Hammerfall's videos !
I don't care much for videos in general, but sometimes I like them. I, in particular, love all of The Tea Party's videos, and there are a few other ones I like, but in general I think that too many music videos for Metal are on a low budget (they're not that likely to get played, now are they, unless they're HammerFall), and not interpreted at all.
I kind of like The Cure's music videos as well. In a nostalgic moment. Then I get sick of it and turn it off. :p
i have a Tea Party DVD sitting in front of me "illuminations". I shall soon see if these videos are as good as people seem to think.
Yes I like music videos, especially live ones.
We get so few metal shows here in metal-free
America, it's often my only chance to see some
of the bands I love. I still prefer CD's to videos,
but if a band I like releases a DVD, I'll buy it.