Info about Opeth videos online

Jul 12, 2001
I couldnt upload the site in a while,thats because I sent my equipment back to get new a one :)
I should have it in a week or so,then I'll start putting more and longer videos online,hopefully with audio mixed versions :)

And I will have a surprise for all of you,Its gonna be awesome !!
umm if I already told you in email or icq..dont write it here :P

Ps:Im not sure if you'd like..but I put some G3 videos online too.. The concert was awesome,and the footage was taken by me

Opeth & G3 videos:
I have a new video for you all..Well its not quite new,
It was made about a year ago,and its my first experience with adobe premiere and video editing..

I deleted the file after I burned it to a cd after I completed it,,and a couple days later I found out that there had been some bad sectors on the cd,and I wasnt able to copy it to my hard disk again,Untill this week with blindread..

This is a non-Opeth video,its all Dream Theater related actually,but I though I'd be cool to share it with you and get your opinions since transitions etc are all made by me (Well,I cant say didnt I influence from Portnoy's LTD video..well I actually copied it hehe)

I uploaded 2 versions of the same file

High quality (Vcd-ntsc) 6:23mins,65megs

Low quality (160x120,290kb/sec video, 56kbs 32000khz audio)6:23 16megs

Let me know what you think !

PS:Thanks once again to splump for letting me use his webspace !