Do you mind headbanging at Progpower

Headbanging... yea or nay.

  • Yes it bother me

    Votes: 10 7.9%
  • No it doesn't bother me

    Votes: 117 92.1%

  • Total voters
im all for headbanging, i mean damn im not telling people not to do it, but as rocky racoon said earlier, theres a cool way to do it and a dick way to do it.

there was a guy with extremely long hair beside me during jorn, and he managed to not bother anyone around him.

i mean if your hair hits someone i guess it happens, but when you can feel your long heavy hair bitch slapping someone in the face, for christ sakes at least headbang a different direction or in a way where your hair doesnt smoke someone in the face, they are trying to enjoy the band too. there isnt any moshing at this event, so i mean i would like to think that would be a clue to show a little more respect to others, for they are here for the same reasons you are.

there are ways to headbang and control yourself, if your hair is extremely long im guessing you have had it for a year or way more than that, so by that amount of time having it on your head, you should have some experience with it and know how to not hit people in the face with sweaty hair. its not like im asking people to STOP headbanging, just do it in a better way.
Hell no I don't mind headbanging, do it myself, it's what I like to do when listening to the music I love.

As for a person's hair hitting me in the face, as others have said, I just move and it's fine. I for one don't care if it does hit me in the face as long as it doesn't hit me often.
Dudes whipping their long hair around and smacking me in the face pisses me off, but as long as everyone kind of keeps to their own little space I don't have a problem with that stuff. Some people should be a little more respectful of those around them.

I'm a headbanger with short hair, so I doubt I bug anyone. Although I am tall, so I tend to bug people behind me. I'm all for headbanging. It is a great way to show the band that the crowd is into the music. :headbang: :kickass:
This argument makes me glad i have short hair, for I headbang like a Fiend on speed. I feel worse for people with long hair who headbang, because most often I notice hair whipping and flying and getting caught in people's things. that must be painful. :lol:
Telling a headbanger not to headbang is like saying, "Hey fish! Stop that swimming!!!" :)

I think headbanging is great. Neck injuries pay my salary because when I'm not taking concert photos, I'm really a mild-mannered massage therapist. So by all means, have a great time and give yourself whiplash. :lol: I just have one request for those in the front row at PPUSA: Please try not to whack us photographers in the pit with your heads or any other body parts. That's happened to me (at other shows) and it really, really hurts. :)

Again I'm not saying that there should not be headbanging in progpower or a metal show. I was just wondering if people were bothered by it. I have long hair so I don't know if people are wishing for me to just drop dead when I'm in there doing my thing.
No I'm not saying it should be a headphone type experience, no Im not saying that people should stop headbanging, no I'm not saying that if you don't like it then its too bad. It's just a fucking discussion. People are allowed to express their opinons without imposing them on anyone else.... or at least I thought so.
I voted No. I think there's a difference between headbanging versus slinging your hair in big looping circles. The two are different motions and while I have no problem with the former if you're going to do the latter I think you should make sure you've got some space around you.
I don't have an issue with headbanging (of course I'm bald so the hair is not a problem) as long as no one bounce into someone else.

I'm against slam, mosh or anything that goes against the integrity of people, but some headbanging, jumping and air fisting is part of the pit show IMO...and horns of course :D

NP: Count Raven - 'Jen'
Like most folks have expressed on here, I don't think there is anything wrong with headbanging as long as you are not purposefully or repeatedly invading another auidience member's personal space.

At shows (especially on the floor where things are often a little close) I've probably hit people with the ends of my hair here or there, but usually I try to be respectful of the space of those around me. What I find to be a more frequent occurance for me, is that when someone around me is headbanging and I throw up the horns, I have on more than one occasion (by accident) smacked someone on the back of their head or shoulder because their head was banging back as my fist was banging forward. Usually folks will just ignore it realizing it isn't on purpose because I never hit anyone that hard, but if I find it happening more than once I'll appologize and shift my position a little.

It's just a matter of show/festival ettiquette (sp?), as someone said earlier. A little hair in my face, I don't mind. A bump here or there, no big deal. I only have a problem with folks who are being deliberate assholes, without regard to the fact that others at the show want to see and have a good time too. For the most part, I don't really run into folks like that at ProgPower. (Thank you, Glenn.) :headbang: :kickass:
are you f---ing kidding me???? complaining about HEADBANGING?

at a METAL SHOW????????

what's next? "Damn it, I HATE when people do the wave at ballgames."
Again I'm not saying that there should not be headbanging in progpower or a metal show. I was just wondering if people were bothered by it. I have long hair so I don't know if people are wishing for me to just drop dead when I'm in there doing my thing.
No I'm not saying it should be a headphone type experience, no Im not saying that people should stop headbanging, no I'm not saying that if you don't like it then its too bad. It's just a fucking discussion. People are allowed to express their opinons without imposing them on anyone else.... or at least I thought so.
Nothing wrong with good ol' headbanging, just don't whip people in the face with that long hair :)

^ In my post I was trying to say this also. But more in defense of those headbangers because I know not everyone uses proper headbanging ettiquette (however you spell it), but as said above I think for the most part people are pretty careful about it.

New word: headiquette

I don't mind headbanging as long as people have a little headiquette :)