Do you own any piece of music you truly HATE?

Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
Then follow my lead!


and take pictures and post
Dude this is scary, that 7" is almost exactly life-size if I hold a 7" record against my screen with that huge pic and my monitor size/resolution
dude, I would've taken that Hn Onde CD.

in answer to the question, no. I sell or trade the stuff I don't care for.
While camping my friend, drunk, was going through his CD wallet "what the shit is this damn Linkin Park doing in here!?! oh yeah my sister's friend let me borrow it" then he chucked it into the fire.
One Inch Man said:
While camping my friend, drunk, was going through his CD wallet "what the shit is this damn Linkin Park doing in here!?! oh yeah my sister's friend let me borrow it" then he chucked it into the fire.
Erik said:
Dude if Millencolin isn't pop punk then I sure as fuck don't want to hear pop punk.

"Pop punk" nowadays is a term that is quite similar to "norsecore", meaning that it's an almost degrading description. Stuff like Simple Plan etc. is pop punk. Millencolin used to be poppy skatepunk ("Move Your Car" being their no. 1 wimpy song) with ska elements, now they're strictly punkrock.
Something like 10 years ago I found a Kris Kross (sp?) CD at my friends house so I took a lighter to it, then got mad that it wasn't bursting into flames so I cut it into confetti with a pair of scissors. He was on the phone at the time and I think he got mad for about 8 seconds, but then realized my cause was just.

I had a Dimmu Borgir VHS, the making of uhhhh, that one with the blindfolded broad on the cover. My friend said "what's this?" and I said "some shit I'll never watch" so he ripped out the tape. I yelled at him because I could've made $2 on eGay for it.
My friend got stoned once and stepped on one of my Primus CDs shattering the case, then he picked it up and brought it to me singing that one Crowbar song I HAVE FAIAIAIAAIAILED... so I forgave him.