Do you prefer new versions or original versions?


Oct 9, 2002
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Do you prefer new versions of Penetralia, Fourth Dimension, Osculum Obscenum, Apocalypse, Left to Rot and Pleasure of Molestation or the original ones? I prefer new versions because they sound heavier.
i agree with
  • osculum obscenum
  • penetralia :headbang:
  • apocalypse
  • left to rot

pleasure of molestation without the intro sounds not so great, and the original the fourth dimension sounds more natural, a little bit better :D
I prefer the original versions of the songs from the 4th Dimension, the older songs I like the new versions.
I understand why you wouldn't like the harsh digital sound, but I think some albums had a nice warm tone to them. Dimmu Borgir's Enthroned Darkness Triumphant always sounded pretty warm to me. Also, the 4th Dimension was recorded at Abyss wasn't it...? According to the website all Hypocrisy albums were.
I keep forgetting to look this up!!!

From what I remember, the first two were not recorded in the Abyss, but the others were. I never bring CD cases with me, I always put them in a big wallet so I can't exactly look it up right now! D'OH!!! :D

The Abyss website (via says all Hypocrisy albums were recorded there. I'm pretty sure that that is false.
Originally posted by NAD
Dimmu Borgir's Enthroned Darkness Triumphant always sounded pretty warm to me

The last Dimmu Borgir is a really good one! I'm not talking about the music itself now (although it's not bad either) but more about the sound. I really like it when it's so clean that you can hear every single instrument they use. I also think that through that kind of production you get more power into the music.