Do you shave your eyebrows?

So last night I went to this goth bar for their 25 cent tappers. Interesting crowd in there. The funniest characters are always the older men wearing obnoxiously printed jam shorts, the cheesy 80s high top shoes and the mullet trying to score on every woman in the place. Anyhow

I'm sitting there minding my own business and this flaming gay guy(don't get me wrong, I love gay men, I see where they're coming from, if I were born a man I'd be gay as they come) gets all in my face and asked me if I shave my eyebrows. I mean WTF. No you moron they're blonde. I realize they are basically white, but not invisible. And I hate it when people draw their eyebrows in like those little old ladies with the purple hair and the reddish brown pencil line thin eyebrows. Scurry.

Anyway I thought I'd share that with yall. It was kind of funny.
Albert Camus’ novel The Stranger is usually read by college freshmen who suddenly take up the French existentialist’s slim volume, and then usually to impress some literature major with wavy hair.

:p :tickled:
I know someone who does.

Tee said:
Albert Camus’ novel The Stranger is usually read by college freshmen who suddenly take up the French existentialist’s slim volume, and then usually to impress some literature major with wavy hair.

:p :tickled:

Yeah, I adore that's amazing. SOOOOOO heavy.

Anyone wanna date me yet?