Do you still "blind buy" CDs?


Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
The Internet has really changed the nature of CD buying and the power of the press.

Back when I was a teenager I used to religiously scan every page of Metal Forces magazine looking for my possible purchases. With my allowance from my dad and the money I made delivering papers I could afford a train ticket to London and four albums a month. The only information I had were those Metal Forces reviews, word of mouth (and, to a lesser extent, Kerrang) plus the various fanzines that would do the rounds. With that in mind virtually every purchase was a blind buy, since the first time I would have actually heard the band would have been when I played it at home. There were a few exceptions, namely some bands I heard on the late Tommy Vance's Friday Rock Show on BBC Radio 1, but at least 75% of these albums were based on "chance".

I wonder, is it still possible to blind buy a CD these days? I guess exceptions would be for established bands you would buy regardless, but in this day and age with advance MP3s readily available, have you ever bought a CD purely on a recommendation of a review or simply because you saw it in a store and thought it looked cool?
Same for me...I was so lucky to meet some great ppl here on UM some time ago,they reccomend and send me the most wonderful music i'd never heard of before on cd or dvd's full with mp3's,if i see for example in the "Now Playing" thread something which has my interest i try to check it out or pm the person if he/she can give me some advice in which album to buy first or whatever..i love to explore new/old music..maybe this sounds laughable but a while ago someone reccomended me 'Camel' i had know idea who these dudes we're,i went to the store and bought their 4 first cd's as i was told and i think it's amazing music i love "Mirage" and Snowgoose" their is so much beautiful music out there...:)
all the time back in the day. this year i did it quite a bit as well but was mostly disapointed each time... i love buyind cd's thats my problem.

the thing i like about the whole being able to download music before you buy it is... its a kick in the ass to bands. if you put out a shit record people are going to hear it first and just not buy it.
Here's the drunk and rambling reply...

I find that I check bands out by MP3 now if I get a recommendation, rather than simply buying right away from the shops or mailorder, etc. In fact I'm being ultra fussy about the CDs I buy these days. I maybe buy half the amount I used to. Sad but true.

Myspace has been amazing, much like before it (I bet those guys are kicking themselves now Myspace sold for 580 million. All they had to do was add pages for fans too...). Most of the thrill for me A&Ring for bands is the fact that I've found them myself and not because I've heard about them from a guy at a magazine or they're "causing a buzz in the Midwest". Myspace is genuinely fantastic. To-Mera, with only two songs recorded, have gone from nobodies to having 50+ comments and messages a DAY from all over the globe. We've sold 100 shirts and are now having to press 100 more, even though we've never even played a show... That's feckin' weird if you ask me...
I still blind-buy, because there MUST be an element of uncertainty and surprise when you buy a new album... that's the closest we'll come now to buying vinyl lps in the good old early 70s when everything was new and exciting, and you didn't know what in the hell the album you'd just bought would sound like until you rushed home and spun it.
Downloading is soulless and leads to feeling bored about a band. It somehow cheapens the listening experience; granted, downloading one or two full-length mp3s from an album does give you a sense of how a band sounds--in some cases--but the element of surprise is lost. As a result, I haven't felt truly excited about any band or album in well over a decade... and that's a shame.

Fuck it, we're metalheads--we're SUPPOSED to blow our whole giro, and then some, on metal every week down at the record shop.
Hey Lee - it’s Eliran . Thought I might contribute a bit.

Since MP3 became legit as a promotional format , I haven’t found myself buying anything without having a clear picture of how it might sound like. With the exception of a few artists who can put their logo on an eggplant and I’d still buy it – like King Diamond/Mercyful Fate stuff, or bands that have never failed me before – like Arcturus , Psychotic Waltz RIP , and nowadays Biomechanical….

It takes a bit of the whole mystery and magic of discovering great records , sure , but at the same time makes things much lighter on your trade list.
Last year i blind bought a few cd's from the Firebox christmas discount thing... The Ellipsis album i was very happy with, as well as Katharsis by Embraze (i had previously seen one Embraze video but the song wasn't from this album), Kholera by Sethery turned out to be total crap... I also bought both Zimmershole albums of which the second one i had heard. The new Arcturus album i pre-ordered 'cause i was under the impression that it is impossible for them to produce shit. I was correct. Usually the thing is, i go over to Toni from Farmakon to drink and he pours ten thousand great new bands on me and i dislike them. Then later on, i have one or two of the songs stuck in my head and i have to take another listen and then buy the album.
Mazah said:
Last year i blind bought a few cd's from the Firebox christmas discount thing... The Ellipsis album i was very happy with, as well as Katharsis by Embraze (i had previously seen one Embraze video but the song wasn't from this album), Kholera by Sethery turned out to be total crap... I also bought both Zimmershole albums of which the second one i had heard. The new Arcturus album i pre-ordered 'cause i was under the impression that it is impossible for them to produce shit. I was correct. Usually the thing is, i go over to Toni from Farmakon to drink and he pours ten thousand great new bands on me and i dislike them. Then later on, i have one or two of the songs stuck in my head and i have to take another listen and then buy the album.

Hey, guess how I "found" Opeth?

I occasionally blindly buy something, but usually I've heard something from the band/album. I mostly buy blindly in the second hand shop tho.
Ok,its done i ordered the shirt..:) and on a side note..Brett you may borrow mine if you're shirt is dirty hmmkay..just to make up here..sorry for the tease..friends?.. :)
I still do. When you find a great album by buying it before listening to any MP3's, I think it's much more enjoyable. That's how I discovered my favourite band ever (Conception). I just read a great review of one of their albums, thought I would love it, and I bought it without listening to a single second of their music before.

So I still try to "blind buy" some cds, yeah :)