Do you think Bob Rock is an excelent producer?

Who knows who "invented" that micing technique. It's not like it's something crazy anyway.

However, I think Nordstrom learned it from Bob Rock if I remember correctly.
Bob rock is a great producer, although I will never get St. Anger. I mean the same guy that made one of the finest sounding metal albums ever (black album) all of a sudden makes a piece of shit that sounds like kids hitting their guitars against the wall while another one can't stop hitting dirty trash cans? I guess that's how the band wanted it wtf. I know it's recorded "live" and shit, but damn, most Iron Maiden albums are recorded in the same style and sound totally kick-ass and "raw" in the good way, not the St. Anger way

Am I the only one who thinks St. Anger's production sucks?
Am I the only one who thinks St. Anger's production sucks?

Uhh, no, pretty much everyone in the civilized world feels that way :lol:

And can anyone confirm/deny this?

I always thought he was more of a "producer" in the traditional sense, acting as a liason between band and label, making arrangement changes, coaxing the best takes out of the members, etc., (like Rubin, for example) rather than the technical aspects...
Well you really have to wonder how much of the Black album's sound comes directly from Randy, yet it's always Bob Rock who gets the credit. Listen to Randy's later work and you can tell it annihilates in much the same ways.. IMO his work with Nickelback totally pisses on the sound of the Black album, and B-rock had nothing to do with it, so that tells you what sort of level this guy is coming from. Truly at the top of his game.
Yeah felix, the thing that got me was the room sound of the kick, its quite wierd. Drums sound very compressed and super attacky apart from the toms which sound kind of distant (yet still amazing). The snare is so powerful and consistent... Why cant my drums sound that good :( :lol:


Fucking YEEEEAAHH :headbang: It´s so great and interesting to hear the stero sum of the drums. I will take this as a reference for my drumsound. It´s amazing!!! This room!!! I think, the reverb is completely natural. Can someone confirm this?
That snare's way more scooped sounding than any of my snares.

EDIT: listened to the mix clip, i don't like it in the mix either. I'd say there's room for more mids in there. I almost got worried I was DOIN IT RONG or some shit for a second
I'd just turn the snare down so it's not threatening to liquify my brain when the rest of the mix is at a good level.