Do you think i should customize my guitar?


Insignificant Metal God
Aug 12, 2007
well...i mean, is it possible to do it on your own??
i really wana buy an acoustic guitar (i kno where to get a green one fer like 100buks) and do some custom work on it.
im thinking of cutting-out premade tribal designs, like stencils, and put it over the guitar, and spray paint tat area black, so it will look like black tribal designs on a green background. :)
but i need to know how to get that glossy, nonpaintremoving, perfectly finished effect at the end.

any ideas on how to make this dream a reality?

orr if u got any wiked pics of your own designs, awsome pics u got of teh web which u think would look good on a guitar, guitars or anything to inspire me, please post em up. :)

thanks alot!! :kickass:
i know a forum where some people have customised their own guitar by themselves, and explained how they did. But it is unfortunatel in French so i guess it wont help you much.

but a 100$ guitar wont probabily be great to play on...
paint the guitar like you said. then spray the whole thing with clear paint. i think....

or you can do the whole thing with a sharpie. i have a red guitar i got from mexico and i drew allover it with a black sharpie.
You could probably get really indepth help at the Jackson/Charvel forum. Even though that forum is focused on those electric guitars, there are still a bunch of knowledgable people there.
Swirl paintjob ftw! I watched a video on how it was done a while back. Seems easy enough and looks cool as hell. I'll try find the video.
Try melting aluminum into the inside of the guitar, I've never done it but I wonder if it will sound any different. My guess is it will have a hollow sound.

paint the guitar like you said. then spray the whole thing with clear paint. i think....

or you can do the whole thing with a sharpie. i have a red guitar i got from mexico and i drew allover it with a black sharpie.

When I was in Peru visiting my uncle I was planning on getting a Peruvian style guitar. But I never did.
That sweet, when someone finds out the materials and a good kit for building a guitar I wanna be able to do that.