Do you think the south gets a bad rap? San Antonio was pretty f'ing cool.


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I got back from San Antonio a couple of nights ago, and I have to say, it was awesome. :kickass: Great people, no lines at an outstanding Sea World, great zoo, great museums, the riverwalks, bars, cafes etc were excellent, and yes, even the Alamo was an interesting site to see.

Everything was perfectly landscaped too but you'd figure as much with all those Mexicans down there -- who, by the way, never want to be acknowledged as latinos (those are the Italians) or hispanics (those are the Spanish). They are Mexicans, that's it.

I've always enjoyed my visits/stays in Texas, although Houston is more of a working white collar city, and San Antonio is bit more "artsy" and touristy.

With that said, it doesn't surprise me that some people would never visit TX. When I told people that I had booked a vacation to San Antonio, they practically laughed!!

So let's take a look at some damaging movies, killing the reputation of Texas and the south in general: :tickled:

--Texas Chainsaw Massacre
--The Hills have Eyes
--Deliverance (!!!!)
--That episode of The X-Files ("Home") where they find the house full of, that episode gave me the heebiejeebies. I never knew you could steal someone's gas with a hosepipe! :lol:

Add to it all the religious freaks, Bush supporters, pro-war supporters, anti-abortion folks. And of course, while I was there, Texas state voted to amend the constitution to ban gay was a landslide by 75% in favoUr.

Oh yeah, I saw a fridge magnet that went something like this: "I don't need 911, I live in Texas". And it was basically next to a picture of a gun. :tickled:

So anyway, San Antonio rocked even if the "southern hospitality" does get a bit tiresome after a while. Give me some NY jackoff every now and then to bring me back to reality. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
I never knew you could steal someone's gas with a hosepipe! :lol:
you should've learned this years ago from cheech and chong. :loco:

i used to say "texas will be the only state i'll NEVER set foot in" but when i went there, i quite liked it. that's my only southern experience. well except my drummer, a half korean half southern pothead who speaks like snoop and eats his grits like a sumbitch.

Another movie that they're remaking....ugh.

Remember that bald dude in Weird Science? Haha.
meh, the south deserves its reputation. save for some of the metro areas. cities like san antonio, nashville, atlanta, etc are fairly progressive. but the you would not believe some of the hilljacks ive had for patients over the past few years. some of them seemed to speak a different language.

once a year, we drive from nashville to florida. going through backwoods alabama - its a different world. im convinced black people are still slaves down there.

combine shit like that with the worst economies and the worst education and, yeah, the south sucks. theres theories of widespread financial discrimation against the south (by the rest of the country), but i dunno. more like widespread laziness and lower than average intelligence from my personal observation.
Yeah, thing is, I don't think many people segregate the cities from the rural areas. I can only assume they're worlds apart.

Same shit applies to the north though -- look at Pennsylvania. Fucking hell, that might as well be Deliverance country. And then you've got New England...holy shit, it's lumberjack dyke central up there.
<3 texas :Spin:

it really is a nice place. tis got everything you could possibly need and want. where i and e-bortion are from in the dallas area is awesomeness. and what about the mexicans? i love the mexicans :tickled:
The south frightens me. But then most places do anyway. I like my countrysides where no one bothers me, and yet they're not all holy rollers either.
did i mention i get to live dangerously close to the frito lay plant that makes all of erik's and lizard's lovely doritos? :tickled:

ahhh i love the smell of fritos in the morning...kinda <_<
Krigloch the Furious said:
was in San Antonio a couple years ago in August....... fuck that place! :yuk:

What didn't you like about it? Just curious.

I can't believe how upperclass and expensive San Antonio is. Our hotel was $400 a night (for those without a squillion marriott points that is). :tickled: