Do you think you have a signature sound?

Let it burn...

Orgasm Donor
Oct 22, 2007
You know, is there anything you do on a track or on the master buss that nobody else is doing but you stick to it and do it on every track? Or is there a compressor/EQ that you always use on a certain track?

-I always add a waves api 2500 to the snare, it's becoming an automation and I'm just too lazy to try out other stuff.
-I always use waves rverb small room preset on the snare and the overall drum
-I raise the volume of my overheads until it nearly starts clipping

-Most of the time, I re-amp the bass guitar through my proco vintage rat into Revalver II with the "Ampeg 8x10 and Eden 4x10" plugins.
-I leave lead guitars untouched most of the time, just some cutting at 4.5/5 khz and 250hz
I don't know how to mix, therefore I leave everything untouched except for panning.
So everything I do sounds raw until I send it off to someone experienced to be mixed and mastered. :D
yah i have one and yes its shit!

my secrets are...
DFHS sound like shit most the time, i need more practice with it.
guitars through wagner sharp or amplitube 2. with sir (suks)

i'll post examples soon
-I always use waves rverb small room preset on the snare and the overall drum

Yeah me 2... :kickass:

I think everyones mixes sounds different, good, bad or worse... My mixes, I have never been satisfied with any of my mixes, that's why I always mix my own projects... :headbang:
Yep, but even then i nottice this:

Kick and snare allways got a similar sound alot of stuff i do, i also use the same verb en compression most of the time, but hey.. it works..
Bass sound seems to be a thing i do differently then others or something..
And i useally put my overheads fucking loud haha.. i want to hear that shit!
I have my own signature sound I'm proud of :D
I've been told many times about that.

It may be that I like to abuse of the mid frequencies on guitars and bass, and the symphonic stuff.
Also songwriting wise I've been told about my "signature" sound.

I think having a unique sound is great and make us special.
Personally, I try to find the sound of the band and work with that.

You can make a band sound the way they do, but still end up with a mix that has that "Oz touch". It's not necessarily a concious decision to make a mix with your stamp on it.

I don't mean this negatively, but all of your mixes have a "signature" sound to them, even if you aren't intentionally mixing them that way. If i did a blind test with mixes from people on this forum, i could probably tell who mixed them. Little things in everyones mixes tend to give away who mixed it.

i think oz, cjwall, LSD-studio, Blackneonbob, and others have very distinct mixing styles. It might have something to do with what equipment/plug ins, etc. everyone uses to mix, but i think even if everyone used the same gear all the mixes would still sound like who mixed them.
Tue, and Nordstrom both have a wicked sig sound just noticing I am.
Hah excuse my Yoda speak.

Tue's projects have a very signature cutting guitar sound that I fricken love. And I love how all of Nordstrom's drum sounds are so ....Nordstrom hah.