Do you use neck pups for high gain sounds? (leads or rhythm)

AD Chaos

Aug 3, 2009
As I've always used passive neck pups for cleans and only bridge for distorted tones, I've been wondering if I'm missing out on something with active neck pups? (I guess asking about passives is even pointless?)

The only active neck I have is an 81 and it does sound somewhat full, but muddy, nonetheless. Then again, I dislike the bridge 81 way more on that gtr :lol: (a jap Jackson).

Any opinions are much appreciated! :)
yea i got 81 on bridge and 85 on neck. i use both for solos(i find the neck is better for shredding/sweep picking, and the bridge for bends/harmony). as for cleans, i use both but 85 is if i want more full and bigger, and 81 if i want more treble. for rhythm, i never use the neck(85) regardless, always the bridge(81). i also got a jackson and i changed from the stock pick ups to the 81/85.
It really has nothing to do with active vs passive...

Active or passive, I use the neck pickup for sweep picking/tapping/legato in general/any part of a solo which I want to sound warmer and more fluid, and also for cleans, definitely.

I really don't think any metal bands (other than sludgey/fuzzy doom stuff, but that sounds shit to me, anyways) use the neck pickup for playing rhythms. The tone of a neck pickup is too round to work well for that. Most of the guys you see who use it for distorted rhythms are playing more blues/rock stuff...

I really think it's weird that people still ask about the neck pickup like they don't understand it... I think most people figure this out on their own within the first couple of years of playing guitar...
Does this answer the question? :D

I've never liked the neck pu in mahogny guitars (body and neck), neither for cleans nor hi-gain leads. Just gets way too muddy but the middle position usually works for smooth leads and such. Though I have only tried the EMG 85 and 81 in the neck position of my mahogny guitar, is the 60 any brigther/less muddy in the neck position? Or what about the 89 with coil split?
On the other hand I love the neck position in my RR3, SD Jazz pickup, both for hi-gain leads and cleans.
Totally different characters. Not so much because there are different models of pickups on most of guitars (neck vs bridge), but rather because of their placement. I really like the tonal character you get from the neck pickup for certain stuff (although I hate to admit it because I have a guitar with just the bridge pickup atm).
Like others have said, the sound has nothing to do with pickup type. The closer the pickup gets to the center of the strings (eg. 12th fret), the more of the fundamental note you hear. The closer to the bridge a pickup is, the more harmonics you hear. Same goes for picking. This explains why people like the bridge for rhythm, as you hear more of the harmonics and therefor get a much tighter, brighter sound, and people like the neck for leads as the harmonics on the high strings can be a very high frequency and can sound harsh and grating. The fundamental sounds much more round.