Do yourself a favor.


Sep 7, 2001
I just returned to my apartment after taking my calculus final. I was stressed because I was afraid I did not do well, and I fear having to repeat the class. Anyway, I went in my room and looked out the window and saw a crow picking at a piece of bread on the ground, this was about 10:00, next thing I know it is 10:37. I was having a wonderful daydream in which I was a bird. I was flying over all sorts of beautiful places like the Grand Canyon. The point is I no longer feel any stress. Do yourself a favor, take some time out of every day and simply daydream, I never realized how helpful and enjoyable it could be. :)
WOW....crazy for me to read this post now.....i am daydreaming to the max as i write this.....i know exactly what you are saying,,,,,i am in a very dreamy state.....with the help of some ambien i know you don't need drugs to day dream but these easily open your mind to a careless enviroment---DAYDREAMING to the max in a GOOD way.
Who asked "Do you have trouble falling asleep?" once? I remember they mentioned that the troubles of their life keep them awake. I replied with just what you're saying now.

Daydreaming is so relaxing because you have the power to make them whatever you want. Last night was probably the first time in a long time that I haven't been able to sleep again due to all sorts of lame shit going on, but I kept making myself stop. Then repromt myself and try to think of something relaxing and I kept loosing it and thinking of shit again...but I was persistent and finally...

I'm lying on a beach at the waters edge on the sand and the water is lazily washing up over my feet. I imagined the smell of the ocean, the way the sand felt under my back, the sound of the water and the birds...I imagined the sun wasn't late afternoon with the sun setting behind me. When I can't think of anything more...I try imaging it all at the same time over and over.

Make your mind busy and it won't bother you. ;)

"Come into this night,
Your plight alone."
I'm gonna try that ,,, i'm just 15 and I already have apointments starting on the 21st with a psychiatrist,,,,, which is the exact hour and day that my band is supposed to play a gig ,,, damn damn damn ,, see psychiatrist make things worse sometimes ,, anyway i'm off daydreaming
I have been daydreaming for a long time. Just as others have said, you can be anything you want, have anything happen that you want.

Good daydreaming blocks out everything around you, including the useless crap stored in your head.

I have spent my lottery winnings countless ways over the years : I've been to the northern most reaches of Canada : I've stood on the top of Mt. Everest : I've had most of the decent looking famous females at my disposal : I've owned practically everything : I've been peacefully isolated at some mountain lake with no worries : I've flown without an airplane : I've even lived in a shack in Maine with no job and no need for money- the list goes on forever.

If you can daydream, even for 5 minutes here and there, it can certainly take that stress level and make in manageable.
My daydreams are boring, my aspirations are simple i wish to travel and see the world doing music and being side by side with my beloved...but it seems so far away and it seems like they would stay dreams...