Does anybody actually wait for new albums from your favorites to be released anymore?

heh, I'll often go on the bands myspace to listen to a few songs. If I like it, buy, if not, bye bye.

I rarely do blind buys, but when peeps (from RC) keep praising a band, I guess it's safe to blind buy it. Example: Primordial
I almost never buy without hearing it first and i don't buy often enough because the closest cd store is really far so i have to get driven. I always download before the release date because i want it now dammit.
If it's a band that I've never heard before, I'll definitely download at least one album before I buy anything. Also I usually download if I can't find it in a local music store or if the store can't get it in. I hate waiting for shit to get here in the mail. Out of print stuff is of course a must-download.
I download a truck-load, and I buy the ones I *really* like. I'd spend upwards of £200 a month if I bought them all. I buy 4/5 a month perhaps.

I also like to spend alot of time in independent record stores, so I do blind-buy all the time.
Ever since a friend bought Entombed's "Same Difference" blindly, I refuse to make the same mistake.
I never download, cos I know if I were the artist I'd feel ripped off if everyone just downloaded my stuff... I usually read lots of reviews before buying an album I've never heard before, but if it's a band I really love, I'll just buy it without ever hearing it beforehand...
You'll get screwed at some point. I forgot to mention I made that mistake with In Flames' Reroute to Remain.