Link me to your favorites


I need a beer...
Apr 12, 2009
Hey guys!

So I'm mid production on my very first full length with this melodic hardcore/ambient/For The Fallen Dream'ish kind of band.

Their music seems to call for a lot of that Sturgis type of production lots of reverse swells/build ups/glitchy stuff, etc etc.

I've done a fair share of these here and there but they are all usually the same idea. So i wanted to look for some inspiration and see if you can link me to some of your favorites.

Also, this may be too broad of a question but how do you decide when and where you wanna put these when you do? Does the band ask for it or is it usually all your idea?
Also, this may be too broad of a question but how do you decide when and where you wanna put these when you do? Does the band ask for it or is it usually all your idea?

It's the job of the producer - if you're producing as well, then you pick up the spots. Usually it calls for someone who actually knows what the fuck he's doing... ie. someone who knows what sounds good. I doubt bands would be up for it, producing isn't something you can do well just like that.