Does anybody still read metal magazines?

I read kvlt underground zines like Morbid Tales.

I inherited a stack of mid-80s Kerrang magazines which is 85% shit, but there's some interesting stuff in there. I wish I had access to more sonically aware old magazines that cared about the underground since Kerrang mostly focused on whether bands 'have what it takes' to make it big, which I don't give a fuck about. The writers are also shit. There were some interesting interviews with Slayer, Exodus, Celtic Frost, and a few others though. The faggots totally trashed Mercyful Fate, however, and for that anyone who ever wrote for that magazine deserves death.
I pick up Metal Maniacs' issues every so often when I'm at a store carrying it. I'm too lazy to subscribe to it.
I'm not sure what the name is (it's either Metal Edge or Metal Maniacs), but there's a magazine I usually skim at Virgin that usually has extensive coverage of black and death metal. It's been very helpful.

that would be Metal Maniacs. Metal Edge hasn't covered anything worth a turd out of my ass for god knows how long.
We'll I read Metal Maniacs for the interviews and to tell you the truth I'm lazy going on websites. I'm old school when I didn't have the internet in the 80's and discovered bands through magazines. Old habits die hard and besides I like reading a metal magazine while taking a dump in the bathroom lol Having a laptop on my lap while doing that is so wrong lol
that would be Metal Maniacs. Metal Edge hasn't covered anything worth a turd out of my ass for god knows how long.

So true... but then again Metal Maniacs does have the occassional non extreme metal bands like hardcore, metalcore, punk, regular metal bands etc. But for the most part they do alot of Death metal and Black metal...
i still get metal hammer most times . thnx to the free cs's on the cover i've gotten into haeps of good band's like epica , dragonforce , satyricon , korpiklaani etc . always worth a look . used to get kerrang year's ago but now i reckon it's crap
Most of the "big" ones are crap, but there's lots of good fanzines out there. I'm generally too lazy to get any of those though, but I enjoy the big ones as well as the underground ones for throne reading
So true... but then again Metal Maniacs does have the occassional non extreme metal bands like hardcore, metalcore, punk, regular metal bands etc. But for the most part they do alot of Death metal and Black metal...

hardcore is extreme, at least the grind and powerviolence offshoots are.
I actually bought an issue of Metal Maniacs my first semester of college at their bookstore, pretty shocking considering Metalheads make up a non-existent percent of the campus and that Metal Maniacs only covers real metal and not just mainstream stuff and it was a very good magazine, had articles about Ihsahn, Celtic Frost on the cover, Vital Remains, Nile, Kreator, etc.. I seen Metal Edge at Wal-Mart today and they had My Chemical Romance on the cover, me and one of my friends discussed that half of the stuff in Metal Edge wasn't even metal and that My Chemical Romance being on the cover was bullshit. Metal Maniacs is good though.
as far as i know right now decibel is the only one worth reading as they offer a good variety of reviews (and honest *very important*) on metal of every shape and form and anything else non-metal which seems to be making a splash in the underground (math-rock,experimental,etc...).
I pick up Metal Maniacs or Terrorizer now and again; sometimes I'll grab Pit or something.

I'm not always at my computer when I want to read about metal.