Metal Hammer, Terrorizer, or Decibel?!

I've heard lots of great things about the Canadian mag Brave Words and Bloody Knuckles, have never actually seen a copy in real life though. Any Canadians who read it?
Metal Maniacs is probably the best. The amount of real content in each issue is pretty huge.

Decibal is a very well put together magazine, but maybe doesn't dig too deep into underground bands.

I like Terrorizer, but it's way too expensive now.

BW&BK isn't bad, from what I remember, but it's sealed, so I haven't read one in a while. Little emphasis on extreme metal, more on trad/prog/power/doom.
I've heard lots of great things about the Canadian mag Brave Words and Bloody Knuckles, have never actually seen a copy in real life though. Any Canadians who read it?

I definitely have bought a few of them in my day. Back in the day though. They have received some flak lately. For example: putting Slipknot on the cover...the usual grief from metal heads. Overall quality is quite good, they cover a lot of ground, there was always something for everyone in each issue.

I prefer Unrestrained! magazine though. The newest one has Ihsahn on the cover. They did a great story on Woods of Ypres earlier this year too.
Metal Maniacs, although I feel its quality is decreasing

Yes it has over the last 6 years. I can't believe nobody's read BW&BK Brave Words and Bloody Knuckles, out of Canada. It comes with a cd, called Knuckletracks, which is a mix of the Big metal acts, and unsigned. You can have your band put on it (1 or 2 songs) for a few hundred bucks, with a review of your song/songs, and contact info. Half the staff used to be with Metal Maniacs. Their reviewing albums style is the best as well.
They put up a chart with each reviewer listed, and what ranking they gave it. 1-10 scale, using decibels...(you know...6.5, 3.4, etc...) This helps big time, because certain columnists are big doom fans, or love prog metal, you'll know which reviewers relate more to your likes in music. In the back of every issue, they have a year long calendar of when dvd's, albums and other band related items will be released, or approximate date when they'll be out. They review the old glam bands that are still putting out albums as well, after they review the main current bands of the last 10+ years.
It's available in America, I've always found it in the big book stores, Barnes and Noble, and Borders. I like Metal Maniacs still, but it's not as detailed, in depth, or as varied as BW&BK. And every magazine's put a nu-metal band on their cover at one time or another. A lot of times it's because that band's label payed to have it on there. But, rest assured, this mag doesn't have much nu-metal shit in it.
I definitely have bought a few of them in my day. Back in the day though. They have received some flak lately. For example: putting Slipknot on the cover...the usual grief from metal heads. Overall quality is quite good, they cover a lot of ground, there was always something for everyone in each issue.

I prefer Unrestrained! magazine though. The newest one has Ihsahn on the cover. They did a great story on Woods of Ypres earlier this year too.

Yeah, Unrestrained is a mag from an ex-BW&BK columnist, I think. It's an up and coming metal mag. I get it whenever I can find it. It's availability is a little rarer, but a great mag, if you find it.
Unrestrained! only comes out quarterly so that could be why. It always sold out pretty quickly at the Canadian equivalent of Borders, which is called Chapters.

edit: ahh you're quick MasteroLightning
I know it comes out quartelry. But the problem is, the book stores tend to only carry a few copies, as opposed to the fucking Metal Hammer, Terrorizer, Rolling Stone shit. So, by the time it's next issue is out, other smart metalheads snatched it up!