Does anyone have EMG JH Set?


Jan 7, 2007
I think I might buy them but unfortunately none of my friends has them.
So, what's your opinion?
They are great.

I used them from right when they came out up until not long ago.

I only switched because i Work more non-metal stuff into Things i do.

They are the best emg has to offer imo, also the new 57 and 66 are similar in philosophy.
Bought them but was unsure if I would like them or not and neither I know anyone who have them. I will never ever regret I bought them. Great pups!
Just some cool riff could be fine, not just chuga-chuga with PM :)
Tremolo picking, PM chords etc.

But I do not expecting much better dynamic range because of the same opamps, maybe some different flavour frequency-wise.
I've heard they're more like passives in a lot of ways but with that signature EMG tone to them as well. Lots of guys on here have them. I think I might pick a set up soon.
That`s exactly why I want to listen to quality DIs.
Because the same thing mentioned when X-series and Blackouts came into existence :)
For me active "signature" is high-pass filtering and absence of resonance peak, especially later aspect.
you have both. You have the sound + and the feel of passive pickups - without loosing EMG character/attack/bite.
I really liked the 498T 490R Set in my Gibson, but i changed it to Zack Wylde Set after a time because i was over 10 years playing EMGs and missing something.
But after that, my Gibson lost a lot of tone/soul especially in cleans. So i was missing the Gibson Pickups :) Then this JH Set came out, and i thougt ok lets try it.
Best decision! Now i have the best of both worlds in one pickup set! not missing passive, not missing active
Have to try these 57/66, i´m sure they are great too
Ok guys, i found something. I covered My Dying Bride - She is the dark in instrumental version a time ago. Had this in Practice room, but seems like no one was interested.
Files are still up - recorded with Gibson Les Paul studio with EMG JH Set :)

but for this you only have ne bridge PU. The neck is soo beautyful in clean or Solo
I'll post DI's tonight.

I like the bridge one a lot. The neck one... mehhh. I prefer the 60 or 81 in the neck. I don't use the neck pos too much, though.

The JH-B is a beefed up 81. A tiny bit more low-end than the 81. More emphasis on low-mids than high-mids compared to the 81, but not as much as the 85. Still more of a cutting, tight, bright, focused kind of sound than other pickups, IMO. A LOT more output than the 81 or 85.

I don't agree with the whole "OmGZ m0ar dynamicz" hype around them. It uses the same preamp as the standard old non-X series, but the coils/magnets/whatever are stronger than the average EMG, so it overdrives their internal preamp a lot more than a standard 81 or 85. If you record DI's, you can see the waveform is a lot less peaky than the 81 and you can hear the preamp clipping a lot more evidently than the 81. I think the only reasons why they'd sound "more passive-like" to me is because the low-end roll-off isn't as extreme as the 81, and MAYBE because the attack is a touch different because of the poles instead of blades, but to me that last thing is pretty subtle, and the higher-output/more distorted thing is not subtle at all. Just my opinion/experience.
How about the emg57? How does it compare to the 81 and the JH?

Lasse posted a video comparison a while back of the 3 pickups but except from the 81 being slightly tighter the differences were quite subtle (to me at least).

Here's the video:

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In a mix and with the same settings, yeah they're all pretty similar - I dial in tones differently for each pickup so that's where most of the differences are coming from.

I like the 57 a LOT. It's my favorite pickup so far, period. Lower output and feels less compressed, has more of a low mid roar to it and not quite as tight a low end/abrupt a low end roll-off. Smoother overall, not as peaky or hyped sounding. "balanced" comes to mind.
In a mix and with the same settings, yeah they're all pretty similar - I dial in tones differently for each pickup so that's where most of the differences are coming from.

I like the 57 a LOT. It's my favorite pickup so far, period. Lower output and feels less compressed, has more of a low mid roar to it and not quite as tight a low end/abrupt a low end roll-off. Smoother overall, not as peaky or hyped sounding. "balanced" comes to mind.

Tried the HET SET yesterday, REALLY nice pickup. Only thing that I didn't like is the output gain of the pickup. I mean, THAT hot??? :OMG:

Didn't had time to try the 57 thou...
I've tried passives that drive the amp harder than the Het, but yeah, it's louder than the standard EMG's (which aren't all that hot, TBH). I've heard it's not as loud as the blackouts, though. Haven't tried the Duncans, so I wouldn't know for sure.

But yeah, the JH is still based off an 81, so it's obviously still more similar to the 81 than to anything else I've tried.

Don't know about the 57. Haven't tried it.