Does anyone have EMG JH Set?

Hey Jeff! what do you think are the main differences between the hets and the 57?

I like the 57 a LOT. It's my favorite pickup so far, period. Lower output and feels less compressed, has more of a low mid roar to it and not quite as tight a low end/abrupt a low end roll-off. Smoother overall, not as peaky or hyped sounding. "balanced" comes to mind.

I like the 57 a LOT. It's my favorite pickup so far, period. Lower output and feels less compressed, has more of a low mid roar to it and not quite as tight a low end/abrupt a low end roll-off. Smoother overall, not as peaky or hyped sounding. "balanced" comes to mind.

Wasn't sure if you were referencing back to the het set or a regular 81 :)
Compared to the 81 it's louder and more compressed, it's like the peaks are brick wall limited. It also has a little bit more top end than the standard 81. Neck pickup screams for playing 'One' and 'Nothing Else Matters' on it...

Ask and you shall receive. Just a couple of riffs from an AILD cover I'm working on. Probably not the best performance, but mehhh. Quad-tracked.

And also, I don't have the DI's anymore, but I remember testing out how hot the JH actually was… So I recorded this with one of my guitars with the 81, and the other with the JH bridge:


JH-B first, 81 second. I don't know if you can tell, but the waveform for the JH looks much more compressed because it's so hot it's making the preamp clip like crazy (as you can probably tell in my DI's too). I don't think the peaks are much higher on the JH than on the 81, though, so… yeah. 9V preamp clipping.