EMG Het Set

Rise, ye thread of olde, from thy grave, to serve my nefarious purpose!

How are people feeling about these in comparison with the 81 or 81x in mahogany guitars? I think I need at least one guitar with actives...

after playing the HET SET since it came out, im contemplating going back to the standard 81-60 set again.

luckily i have 2 identical guitars separated only by 2 years.

Only because i miss the 2-dimensionality of the standards, they just "fit" and needs less done to them as i remember them ( playing them for 10 years ).

Might regret it, who knows, but music and tone is about experimenting ;)
after playing the HET SET since it came out, im contemplating going back to the standard 81-60 set again.

luckily i have 2 identical guitars separated only by 2 years.

Only because i miss the 2-dimensionality of the standards, they just "fit" and needs less done to them as i remember them ( playing them for 10 years ).

Might regret it, who knows, but music and tone is about experimenting ;)

This is exactly what I'm doing. The het set is closer to passive pickups, and that's great. However, I just really miss something about the 81. It's tighter than a gnat's asshole and works great for the brutal stuff. I'm gonna throw my het set in my 76 LPC to change things up and put the 81/85 set back in my Horizon.