Of One Man's Sanity
I know.Jean-Pierre said:The song wasn't exactly cheesy polished cock rock like Poison or Warrant or shit like that...It was more just straightforward hard rock with a Dokken-esque vocalist.
I know.Jean-Pierre said:The song wasn't exactly cheesy polished cock rock like Poison or Warrant or shit like that...It was more just straightforward hard rock with a Dokken-esque vocalist.
Lyra said:I think you'll pretty much find these reactions on every forum you visit .. It's just a modern trend or something to bitch around!
Exactly what bullshit am I giving you? Enlighten me.T3hLep4rAffinity said:Don't give me that bullshit...
Thank you for being a complete waste of my time. Next time I need someone with Down Syndrome for anything, I know how to contact.T3hLep4rAffinity said:Don't worry about it, doorknob...
AjDeath said:Thank you for being a complete waste of my time. Next time I need someone with Down Syndrome for anything, I know how to contact.
Jean-Pierre said:Ok, now that I've listened, what the fuck is wrong with you idiots? This song is just harmless, catchy rock and roll! Of course, modern X-TREEEEEEEEME METUHL idiots wouldn't know rock if it bit em in the ass.
Anyway, I have no fucking clue who this is. Sounds like a run of the mill Dokken clone from the mid 80's.