yup, and it rules
I once did a very close match of my BDDI using POD Farm.
That surprises me, used it once but thought it sounded pretty different from my BDDI (still a pretty cool sound though, but just different and not as cool as the original).
Jordan what are you using it on, bass primarily? I tried it the other day but had a hard time getting a sound I liked. Didn't even think to look through the presets to get a starting point though, I assume it has a few decent ones? Any general tips and are you combining that sound with the DI or amp tracks as well?
that would be sweet to have AU format for Sansamp plug-in.
Doh! Back to rudimentary reading 101 for me. My bad.NoAmp was mentioned in the first reply.
Not sure anyone has brought this one up but Mokafix audio made the NoAmp - a vst clone of the SansAmp GT2 pedal.