Does anyone make a sansamp vst plugin?

That surprises me, used it once but thought it sounded pretty different from my BDDI (still a pretty cool sound though, but just different and not as cool as the original).

It wasn´t the BDDI emulation alone. It was the BDDI, SVT and EQ, but it was all in POD Farm. I will search for the files here, if I don´t find it I´m redoing the test : )
Jordan what are you using it on, bass primarily? I tried it the other day but had a hard time getting a sound I liked. Didn't even think to look through the presets to get a starting point though, I assume it has a few decent ones? Any general tips and are you combining that sound with the DI or amp tracks as well?

Yup, bass. I love tracking through it with the TDM version, I actually think it sounds better than the rack version. But it rules in a mix too... sometimes I'm using it on the DI track as the main bass sound, other times I duplicate the DI and use it for the midrange grit, cutting out the bottom.
I always start with the "SVT" preset and tweak from there... maybe try that out and see if you get closer to what you want!
Not sure anyone has brought this one up but Mokafix audio made the NoAmp - a vst clone of the SansAmp GT2 pedal.

that would be sweet to have AU format for Sansamp plug-in.

Well apparently there is a SansAmp sim within Pod Farm so that might be our best bet.
I don't know, having never used it, but hopefully I will get it soon and find out what it's like. Not sure if the PSA-1 would be included though, doesn't seem to be a hugely popular bit of gear but damn, I still think it's one of the greatest things on earth.
Tried to play around with the sansamp of Pod Farm, but I could not get a decent tone. Maybe it's just me doing it wrong, but I definitely wasn't pleased with it. Generally all the presets and everything I do in Pod Farm sound pretty bad. I guess it makes you work harder than TH1 or something... My current useable bass tone is Pod Farm, but I've tweaked around with it not really caring which parts are meant for guitar and which ones for bass. Maybe I should post a clip and ask you guys if it's even useable...
Not sure anyone has brought this one up but Mokafix audio made the NoAmp - a vst clone of the SansAmp GT2 pedal.


i tried that plug in but does anyone else experience problems with it... when i put it in a track... it mutes all my tracks so i cant hear anything... this never happened to me with any other vst... just curious anyone experience this?
Sansamp sim in POD Farm is crap. I like POD Farm for some stuff, but the Sansamp sim is not one of them.