Does it annoy anyone else..

-Vintersorg- said:
..because they're elitist scum that reign in the steeds of an absolutist regime?

In case you were referencing to the *sarcastic* comments I made, they were sarcastic. I thought the ':grin:' was enough of a hint to the effect.

oh ok. my bad then. :p

Steedus said:

By the way, Steele, what happened to

i spoke to haver last night and he said he thinks he didn't pay the server fees. I read in another post, however, that the server its hosted on is having repairs or something right now. hopefully will be back soon.
the_drip said:
fuckin morons..i'm pretty sure the original Orchid and Morningrise covers didn't have the logos on them either.

Exactly, that's why every metalhead in the world was like: 'what the fuck?' when they saw Orchid's cover art. (Thinking that a death metal band shouldn't have a fucking flower on the cover at the same time that it was their debut album) that's a stupid way of thinking.
deliverance said:
the one that is the original topic of this thread ;-) ghost reveries

Oh, my apologies, guess I don't know how to read, lol.
Right, I didn't see it because I dont have it. I guess I have to commit suicide.
Suggestions? Bwahahaha! And no, cutting my wrists it's not funny at all. Perhaps I should listen some of my Cannibal Corpse's cds and go with the one: 'Fucked with a knife' at least I'd die slightly happy, bwahahahaha!!
Ugh... I actually get annoyed that there is no logo, because I have all the reissues of their albums, so there is the logo on every cd except that one. It just doesn't look as good when on display, you know? It's like, okay you have all the Opeth albums, but what the hell is that one? Then have to explain it and I am fat so it annoys me.
affinityband said:
so its more a 'commercial*' thing to have The logo.

Doesnt matter at all, its a pretty logo, a piece of art on its own. (And then it is really readible, such a rarity!)
Luz said:
Exactly, that's why every metalhead in the world was like: 'what the fuck?' when they saw Orchid's cover art. (Thinking that a death metal band shouldn't have a fucking flower on the cover at the same time that it was their debut album) that's a stupid way of thinking.

Autumnal said:
As people have mentioned - sticker in the corner, and it doesn't really matter. Also, it matters less because the tragedy of the GR cover for me is not the absence of the logo but the coverart itself, which does absolutely nothing for me.
I really don't think this was a threadworthy topic.

I quoted you because that quote of mine in your sig cracks me up.
I honestly dont care, it doesnt have any affect on the music...its album art. And although its probably been said to death, the first releases of Orchid, Morningrise and My Arms, Your Hearse (im pretty sure) didnt have the logo so what difference does it make.
I don't know about you guys, but my cd just didn't sound right. Then, I got out a marker, and carefully wrote the Opeth logo, just so, on the cover. Now, I feel it is the best record ever released. In fact, I'm going to go through all the cds in my collection that I don't like and write an Opeth logo on the cover. I'm sure they'll all sound far superior then.