Does scott post here?

Our crappy TV is airing Married With Children now. I gotta check it if it isn´t this episode in the next five minutes.
Of course he comes here. It's good to boost your ego once in awhile. He has a life? phfft! He wouldn't had got into this business if he didn't like the attention.

Originally posted by Lord Darkness
Of course he comes here. It's good to boost your ego once in awhile. He has a life? phfft! He wouldn't had got into this business if he didn't like the attention.


i just got a few questions to ask him. and no its not what kind of razors he uses to shave his head with! lol

Bud: "Ok ill start, Bud....Bear!"
Dan: " Dan....Bite me!"
TestamentNut.....I saw Anthrax with Testament on the "Among the Living" tour in Tampa......Probably the best concert experience/weekend I have ever had!!! Show kicked everyone's ass!!! Chuck Billy scared me......
Originally posted by Armored Thrax
TestamentNut.....I saw Anthrax with Testament on the "Among the Living" tour in Tampa......Probably the best concert experience/weekend I have ever had!!! Show kicked everyone's ass!!! Chuck Billy scared me......

chuck billy was stoned as fucking hell when they played here on the low tour. lol
Originally posted by TestamentNut

i just got a few questions to ask him. and no its not what kind of razors he uses to shave his head with! lol

:lol: Funny you should mention that. A while ago I asked Scott if he had someone use a Gillette Mach 3 to shave his head.
He said, "Yes. But I shave it myself."

Try e-mailing him, if you haven't already. Go to and click on Scott's AlphaMail.
i emailed him already. im not trying to sound like an out of cotrol fan or fucking stalker either. i just dont have my website up yet so i cant email him that. i just want do an interview with him, but i so do hate the word interview!
Well. Did you get a reply? Maybe you could keep e-mailing him the questions you want to ask, and save the replies.
Scott's a bad mother-fucker.
Originally posted by Thra:rofl:ude
Well. Did you get a reply? Maybe you could keep e-mailing him the questions you want to ask, and save the replies.
Scott's a bad mother-fucker.

no i havent, but i talked to someone who knows him really well and they are relaying the message. hopefully ill talk with him soon. if you mean bad mother fucker as in guitarist then i agree. he has to be one of the best rythmn players ever.