- Feb 20, 2005
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Jeff and Mephisto, yeah, you're right of course - I guess I just hate seeing shitty music get supported, even if it does have good production.
I think if you were to ask this question 15 years ago, you'd get a lot more "Yes" answers here. Most guitar recordings these days sound decent and very few of them are really groundbreaking. It's more about the music than the tones. Seems like anyone can get a decent guitar tone on their records these days. ...Ok, almost anyone.
Seems like anyone can get a decent guitar tone on their records these days. ...Ok, almost anyone.
Thinking about it, Dimmu Borgir are a good example. I fooking love all of Dimmu's material to date, but For All Tid and the original version of Stormblast will always have a special place in my little pink heart just because of the blatantly crap production which, in Stormblast's case at least, gave those albums their particular essence and feel. Especially now all Dimmu's albums are all nicely polished and refined, it's nice to put those 2 albums on just to hear how Dimmu originally sounded. (this probably makes little sense to anyone but me, apologies)
I agree totally, what do you think about the re-recording of stormblast .. uke: !!
I think 'polishing up' the recording totally detracted from what the original one achieved.
good music, bad production = nice
bad music, good production = shit
good music, good production = awesome
Maybe some people are just stupid? I know plenty of non-musicians who can notice a good tone out of anything, and honestly I don't think most guitarists know what a good guitar tone is...