Does the average listener care about guitar tone?

Jeff and Mephisto, yeah, you're right of course - I guess I just hate seeing shitty music get supported, even if it does have good production. :D
I think if you were to ask this question 15 years ago, you'd get a lot more "Yes" answers here. Most guitar recordings these days sound decent and very few of them are really groundbreaking. It's more about the music than the tones. Seems like anyone can get a decent guitar tone on their records these days. ...Ok, almost anyone.
I think if you were to ask this question 15 years ago, you'd get a lot more "Yes" answers here. Most guitar recordings these days sound decent and very few of them are really groundbreaking. It's more about the music than the tones. Seems like anyone can get a decent guitar tone on their records these days. ...Ok, almost anyone.

That's a fair point to be honest. With my PodXT Live I can sound like pretty much whoever the fuck I want. Even early Black Sabbath lol.

That's the only thing that annoys me about music these days..whatever you come up with you can bet some fucker has already done it 2 years before you
I remember when "....And Justice for all" came out. My friends & I didn't know jack shit about production & we all asked the same question: "why do the drums sound so crappy?"
Haha. I'll tell you why.


:lol: just joking around. I actually like what Lars did on earlier Metallica stuff.
Thinking about it, Dimmu Borgir are a good example. I fooking love all of Dimmu's material to date, but For All Tid and the original version of Stormblast will always have a special place in my little pink heart just because of the blatantly crap production which, in Stormblast's case at least, gave those albums their particular essence and feel. Especially now all Dimmu's albums are all nicely polished and refined, it's nice to put those 2 albums on just to hear how Dimmu originally sounded. (this probably makes little sense to anyone but me, apologies)

I agree totally, what do you think about the re-recording of stormblast .. :puke: !!
I think 'polishing up' the recording totally detracted from what the original one achieved.
I agree totally, what do you think about the re-recording of stormblast .. :puke: !!
I think 'polishing up' the recording totally detracted from what the original one achieved.

To tell you the truth i've avoided that record like the plague lol. Haven't even listened to one single second of it, or endeavoured to purchase it. Which has led to many accusations of me being "elitist" but the only reason I will ever buy that record is purely so I can say "I have every single record Dimmu have made to date" :heh:

Having said that though, I do quite like the re-recording of Raabjorn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde that appears on the Enthrone Darkness Triumphant and Godless Savage Garden records,

But aye, as soon as I heard them announce they were re-recording Stormblast I just went "oh lord no ><" I'll probably give it a listen one day, who knows I might enjoy it. That happened last week with Mayhem's "Wolfs Lair Abyss" album. I'd been avoiding Mayhem's newer material (i.e everything past De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas lol) like the plague but then my vocalist made me listen to WLA and once I got past the weird intro track I quite enjoyed it.

But for now i'm quite happy being elitist with my original copy of Stormblast haha :heh:
I noticed it myself with re-recordings from certain bands.

Lunar Strain era In Flames vs Colony era In Flames... its not even close how much more "listenable" they'd gotten.. and it had nothing to do with song writing.

Factor in something like.. Megadeth's Countdown vs. Killing is my Business.... man alive, its massive.
I don't believe most non-musicians can even notice things like guitar tone. i say this after i mixed a Slayer tribute band that was the worst band ever in the history of rock and metal. the singer messed up the lyrics, the drummer couldn't play the double bass, and the lead guitarists tone was all buzzsaw treble. yet some people walked out of the club saying it was the best show they ever saw. did i mention the bass player pretty much played an open E all the time?
Maybe some people are just stupid? I know plenty of non-musicians who can notice a good tone out of anything, and honestly I don't think most guitarists know what a good guitar tone is...

Maybe some people are just stupid? I know plenty of non-musicians who can notice a good tone out of anything, and honestly I don't think most guitarists know what a good guitar tone is...



That's the understatement of my life as a FOH engineer. i just mixed a kid last night with Kramer > Metalzone > Digitech GN-someting > crate SS head. It was aweful sounding. I felt like my ears were being raped.