Does the greenhouse effect worry you?

Erik: Umm, yeah, but I think that now it's like:

I think that Erik is right. That's true that we are damaging nature, there's no denying . But F. Ex. in the middle ages Poland was warm enough to grow grapes, then (around 1600) it became so cold that the Baltic sea froze over and we had a Swedish invasion (hallo Swedes!). I read there was even an inn in the middle of Batic sea for travellers! Now it seem totally impossible. And if we grow grapes, they are tiny and get really sweet only in October, when it becomes frosty.
So we haven't had much snow either, but I'm sure this is just a temporary change.
Besides - some scientists say that the ultimate effect of the greenhouse effect is another ice age, because of turning away the sea currents, you know the warm Gulf stream which goes from Carribean to Norway
Don't worry, snow will come, even more than usual!!!!
Miolo said:
:hypno: heh, io non sapevo che tu fossi italiana. dovremmo metterci una bandierina nell'avatar. :p
il che non è una cattiva idea dal momento che nemmeno io sapevo che voi due foste italiani!

ok, back to english... I am with those that don't worry too much... I mean I feel it's getting warmer by the year, I live in Florence and every summer is a bit hotter but I reckon it's in the natural cycle of events. I guess the world would undergo a climate change even if we stupid little human beings wouldn't have done anything like polluting it. maybe we're accelerating the process, but I don't believe it will interest us or our direct descendant... still I'm talking with almost no scientific preparation on the subject, so it's likely I'm completely wrong :Smug:
Dafne said:
sarebbe carino incontrarsi a feb x il concerto dei DT! :) :Spin:
sarebbe molto carino ma la vedo un pò difficoltosa arrivare fino a milano di mercoledì sera, dovrei prendere due giorni di ferie e ci sarebbe anche il pernottamento... :erk:
anch'io voglio andare al concerto di milano :( ma è un mercoledì e sembra piuttosto complicato. quando sono andata a milano per capodanno è stato un po' pesante arrivare al rolling stone e poi aspettare che riaprisse la metro, e quella volta c'erano anche degli amici con me :Smug:

(so che strider intendeva arrivare alla città e non al locale, ma per me non è quello il problema :p )
@Hiljainen, Strider:a quanto pare abbiamo tutti e 3 lo stesso problema! :cry:
vabbè cmq febbraio è lontano,al momento ci penseremo! ;)

@Northern Viking:i thought i knew german a little bit,actually i was wrong! :p

Child of Time said:
Jag fattar verkligen ingenting. Aaah, den babylonska språkförbistringen i all dess prakt. :confused:
oh you're right,sorry it was my fault cos i started to speak italian! :p
we were talking about meeting us in milan for DT gig :)
sorry again! :wave:
Dafne said:
oh you're right,sorry it was my fault cos i started to speak italian! :p
we were talking about meeting us in milan for DT gig :)
sorry again! :wave:
you're right this is an english speaking forum, we should've stopped earlier... but you know, as much as I like english, it feels a little strange to talk to an italian in a foreign language! :hypno:
Strider said:
you're right this is an english speaking forum, we should've stopped earlier... but you know, as much as I like english, it feels a little strange to talk to an italian in a foreign language! :hypno:
for me it's the same! :p
Hiljainen said:
i think a big problem is the abuse of heating/cooling systems, they produce a LOT of warmth that goes in the air and are, opposed to cars and factories, unnecessary (the abuse, not the use).
You don't need to worry about that, Hiljie; that heat that's released isn't being created out of nowhere.
Take an air conditioner: It takes away some of the thermal energy in the interior (makes it colder) and deposits this energy to the exterior. The energy is simply moved locally. It is not being created.
Similarly, any sort of heating system is simply converting electrical energy (or chemical, if fuel is used) into thermal energy. But that electrical energy came from the environment to begin with. Again, the energy was simply moved from one part of the environment to another.

On topic, it is true that the earth goes through natural, semi-patterned, semi-chaotic, fluctuations.
And to this day, there is no solid evidence or indication that would allow us to separate just how much of the present climate-changing trend is due to the greenhouse effect, and how much is due to normal earth climate cycle fluctuations.
According to something we watched at school, the temperature has always been changing - but not as much as it has since the industrialisation. It used to take many centuries for the temperature to climb, whereas since the 19th century, temperatures have been skyrocketing compared to the changes taking place earlier. Climate will change on its own, but mankind will certainly affect its change these days. And cutting down on pollution can never be a bad thing, regardless of whether it actually contributes to the greenhouse effect or not.
NL said:
And cutting down on pollution can never be a bad thing, regardless of whether it actually contributes to the greenhouse effect or not.
That's very true. The greenhouse effect is certainly not the only problem associated with excessive pollution. There's acid rain, ozone depletion, irreversible contamination of natural environments, even with just thermal pollution, steady corrosion of many historical relics and sites, etc... Also, I'm sure that the biological damage (and not only to people) that comes with everyday exposure to smog is underestimated.

I have hope in, and am somewhat excited about, emerging technologies like the hydrogen fuel cells for mass use (in any sort of automotive machine, power plants, etc..)
Actually, if I'm lucky and life smiles upon me, I'd get to be a part of it working in the Fuel cell research base of General Motors, where I'm currently trying to get hired.
But I was told that it'd be extremely difficult to do so :erk:
May life smile upon you then, I'd feel a lot better about the state of the world today if I knew there was at least one person with sense working on these things :grin: