Greenhouse effect illustration?


Jul 23, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark
Has anyone got a desent scan or picture of some of the images testament has used for t-shirts and other promotional stuff? I'm especially interested in the Greenhouse Effect illustration (kicks major ass!) and i know that there's a cool Disciples of the watch illustration as well.
I'm new to this board, so I don't know if i'm number 1.000.089 to ask this question... (but i'm probably not)

Niels K
I don't know if i'm number 1.000.089 to ask this question... (but i'm probably not)
:grin: probably not...I haven't seen more than 1.000.041 threads with this question.

I only know where to find a picture of a Greenhouse Efect T-shirt... but check it out- it's of a decent quality + there are other interesting and rare shirts (Envy Life, Paralyzed By Fear- Deat In Life I See, Let Go Of My Fuckin' World etc.)there.

so go here: and then click on "RÓŻNOŚCI"(10th word from the top) and then "Koszulki" and scroll down to the one you're interested in (sorry that I couldn't give you the direct link, but that's the way this site works).

BTW, cool avatar. Is it some kind of a promo? I've never seen that.

edit: there's also a picture of a GE patch at the very bottom- don't forget to check this one as well