Does treating room make it hotter?


Jun 17, 2008
Whats up!

Well guys Im on the process of treating my small garage which is like 11ft by10ft and i was wondering with all those bass traps will it make the room hotter in hot days? Im im and summer days here are a bitch(for me i dont have AC in room:D)! but yea just curious if treating the room causes the room to be hotter in hot weather.

So if it does ima have to save up for a small AC :flame:
nahh i JUST literally read a massive acoustic article, and it does convert it to heat , I have no idea how hot the treatment gets though, but i do remember Ermz saying it gets uberrr hot in his room in the summer especially with his bass traps so there probably is a noticeable difference
Probably as much a result of the fact that it's just a shitload of insulation as the bass-to-heat conversion factor!
To be honest the bass-heat conversion is probably quite insignificant I would expect. As Marcus say's it's probably down the insulation from having loads of foam/rockwool in the room.
Technically if it was super insulated that would actually keep it cooler in there when it's hot out.
I remember reading something like if you screamed for 6 months non-stop, the sound from your voice would generate enough heat to warm a cup of coffee so I'm not so sure if the absorbed soundwaves really contribute much to heating up the whole room. The heat that comes from your own body while you are performing in there will probably contribute A LOT more and the room treatment probably makes your body warmth stay in the room for a longer period of time.