okay, so my collie/sheltie, max, may have eaten three turkey-calls - my brother leaves his shit lying around everywhere and my mom is sure that they're just somewhere else in the house since she only saw him with one of the holders for the calls in his mouth.
i don't wanna take any chances and have him wind up dying of an intestinal blockage or something but it looks like i'm the only one in the house who gives enough of a fuck to want to take the dog to the vet.
first question - if he did have them stuck inside of him or whatever, about how long would it take for him to be showing symptoms of something wrong and what would they be? just being sluggish, not eating? (he never touches his food anyway, the food in his bowl for breakfast will usually sit there until late afternoon) i'm out of the house pretty much all day every day now and don't know if he's been going to the bathroom reguarly or anything
second - about how much would x-rays and, if needed, the process to clear his intestines or whatever cost?
i don't wanna take any chances and have him wind up dying of an intestinal blockage or something but it looks like i'm the only one in the house who gives enough of a fuck to want to take the dog to the vet.
first question - if he did have them stuck inside of him or whatever, about how long would it take for him to be showing symptoms of something wrong and what would they be? just being sluggish, not eating? (he never touches his food anyway, the food in his bowl for breakfast will usually sit there until late afternoon) i'm out of the house pretty much all day every day now and don't know if he's been going to the bathroom reguarly or anything
second - about how much would x-rays and, if needed, the process to clear his intestines or whatever cost?