Shrike :(


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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My past 4 days were HELL.

I came back from San Francisco on Monday night, and when I saw Shrike he walked funny... That day my friend Megan took him to the dog park, and he had a blast there apparently, and I thought he must have pulled a muscle or something minor like that.
I touched him, he was fine, a little sore, but happy as he can be. Nothing biggie..

Well, his condition declined VERY fast... that night he woke me up howling in pain... I took him to the pet-emergency room around 4am where they said his spine is probably in pain, and gave him muscles relaxers and sent us home.
The next day he declined even more... I got home, and he couldn't walk anymore and was puking all over the house...

I rushed him again to his vet, and after the vet saw that his back legs are not working anymore he sent us to a special pet-hospital...
By that time he was weak, barely responded to me, and completely parlayed in his back legs... at the hospital they gave him an x-ray and MRI scan,
and the results are... 2 ruptured discs in his back...
He had a major back surgery 2 days ago. Much like people, dogs also get back problems, and many times there are no warning signs or a way to know when and if it will happen.
He is a very active dog, and the vet said sometimes it happens, especially for
the hound-type dogs.
Right now both of his back legs are paralyzed and he can not walk. I am hoping the healing process will yield better results, and get him to walk again.
He wags his tail which is a good sign, and the vet said he has sense in his toes which is another awesome sign. We touch his back legs and he can
definitely move them slightly, but as of right now, can not walk on his own,so he has to be carefully watched.
It's great news to know he can pee/move his legs on his own, at least, it means that the nerves in his back legs are there and functioning.
He is heavily medicated and resting at home. When I saw him at the pet-hospital after 2 days I haven't seen him, he looked so helpless, weak,and miserable,
but with his last strength still showed his affection and love and his happiness to see me, and his constant tail-wag, which of course, made me cry :(
His back is shaved, and he has a big incision on his back with stitches and staples.

The doctor said he is going to be OK, but as of right now we can't tell how would the healing process be, and if he would be able to walk again, so I am hoping for the best.

Being half paralyed means that he has to be carefully watched and being with every time he has to go outside... I don't think I got a good night sleep in the past 5 days... I get up every 2 hours to let him pee, because the prednisone makes his extra thirsty and in need to pee every two hours :/
But fuck, Shrike is worth it.
I just hope he will be able to walk again :(

Oh no, Shrike :(

I had a hunch something was wrong because we hadn't heard anything out of you! That's terrible, but he's lucky, very lucky, to have an owner like you. Hug him for me (if it doesn't hurt).

wow it's not a good time for doggies :( i had to watch my grandparents dog (bout 2 or 3 years old) and he kept wheezing when he exerted himself and couldn't keep down food, so they took him to the vet when they got back and he has cancer :(
Poor doaggie... hope he gets well! :(

I guess I'm lucky, my Husky's turning 13 this year and he never had anything remotely serious. He's getting gray by the day but still as agile as in his teens...
This thread sucks :(

I'm so sorry to hear this Karen, what a complete bummer. It sounds like there's hope though so that is good. I'm sending good vibes along with everyone else for a quick complete recovery for the little dude! <3