10 ways to anger a non-metalhead


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
1 - Casually walk up to him, say hello, commence nonsensical small talk, and when he least expects it, shove a FUCKING FORK IN HIS EYE

2 - Before his cigarette break, douse his regular smoking-seat in gasoline, then watch the proverbial sparks fly

3 - Describe the condition known as "blue balls", then tie his arms behind his back and force him to watch porn for 72 hours straight

4 - Kill him, revive him, then kill him again

5 - Replace the peanuts in his peanut butter sandwhich with glass shards, nails, screws, jalapino peppers and chilli

6 - Spend a heavy night drinking, let him spill his heart out on the table, make sure he feels comfortable in your presence, and that he can tell you anything, then when he least expects it, KILL HIM WITH A SPOON TO THE FACE

7 - Iron his pants, while he is still in them.

8 - Follow him for at least two blocks, and before he notices you, RAM HIM IN THE ASS WITH A FORKLIFT

9 - Offer him a cup of coffee, but before pouring it, write "You have just been poisoned" at the bottom of the cup

10 - REALLY poison his coffee
Kon16ov said:
why poison the coffee? A nice Ipokak and Ex-lax cocktail in the joe would be more fun to watch. :muahaha:

Yah thats a good idea I suppose.....murdering my friends has certain legal consequences.....ex-lax however seems good......i wouldn't so much actually WATCH the results of the ex-lax...i don't wanna watch my friends take a shit.....but i'll listen and laugh thats for sure! how much does ex-lax cost?
Ecstatic Youth said:
Yah thats a good idea I suppose.....murdering my friends has certain legal consequences.....ex-lax however seems good......i wouldn't so much actually WATCH the results of the ex-lax...i don't wanna watch my friends take a shit.....but i'll listen and laugh thats for sure! how much does ex-lax cost?

Agreed. *ew* However, if they both take effect at the same time, it'll be "fielder's choice" as to which end gets priority.

I don't know how much ex-lax is...haven't priced it, recently. If you can find it, there's a "coffee-like substance" called "Colon-Blow." I don't know where you can get it or how much it costs, but it's reputed to be horriffically effective in...evacuating the bowels.

Personally, irritating non-metal heads, for me, involves saying <place innocuous pop song here> would sound much better with some double-time bass-drum, half-time snare or some good growling. "What? You don't think Danzig doing Doors covers would be funny? You think you could tell the difference?" Aw....