Ways to get Loomis to kick your ass...

dead6skin6mask6 said:

bring a can of that Gerber baby food on stage, and look at the baby's picture, then squint at Loomis, then repeat

Best one here so far, good job.

thanks for the laugh.
Ecstatic Youth said:
Ask him how his geinacologist visit went last week.


I'd look for a little longer than necessary at his chest, and ask if I can see his manboobs.

Then I'd ask him if it'd be alright to look up the drummers "dress."

And you could always ask for a signature, and look at it all depressed. "Oh you're not who I thought you were." And give it back to him.

Or flick liner notes in his face, like someone I know did to WD.
...Or how about stop this post because it's not nice and we're all supposed to be fans here. Apparently he doesn't even want this board (I read that somewhere) and here you guys are making ridiculous comments about him. Come on now...
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Aww stoker, we love Loomis, thats why we make fun!

Ask him if he was ever in the band Mudhoney...(thatll piss him off)

Ask him if he shops at Value Village

Ask him if he misses the Seattle Scene...if he says no, ask him why since he partook in the Grunge Invasion...
Stoker said:
...Or how about stop this post because it's not nice and we're all supposed to be fans here. Apparently he doesn't even want this board (I read that somewhere) and here you guys are making ridiculous comments about him. Come on now...
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There is a quote that I created and it goes something like this...

"If you can't laugh at yourself, you don't deserve to laugh at all"