so my friend was shot by a sniper in iraq yesterday

well the government of the US is already in the process of getting out of Iraq. President Bush just recently in the past few days said that the US will be in Iraq as long as it takes until Iraq tells us that we should not be there. There was a meeting early this week with the new heads of the governmental system over in Iraq to discuss what the Iraqi's would like out of the situation. If you would like to think about it for a while you will realize that the US was letting the Iraqi heads know when to tell the US that they are not needed anymore. So, the US involvement in this war won't be a great deal more.

\This does not mean the war is over, or that the Iraqi people will be safe however
Bush has said from the beginning that once the Iraqi government doesn't need us, he'll pull out. However, the Iraqi government is a farce and a bunch of yahoos who are more worried about offending each other than unifying Iraq.

The mission in Iraq for the US military is shifting from combat to training, and then we will slowly be phased out of Iraq...but that doesn't mean that we're coming home. We'll just move back into Kuwait just like the last 15 years for Operation Southern Watch. The US never completely pulls out of a region when they've gotten a foothold on it unless the foreign government ORDERS them to.
i recently ran across an ad in cleveland scene magazine asking for experienced law enforcement or military people to go to iraq and act as bodyguards for the people working over there in various businesses, services, etc. starting pay was 190,000 for 90 days of work.

thats insane. even for that much money i think id decline.
Dude, they're paying truck drivers from the US 100,000 a year...
I checked into that a while back, you work 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, sometimes more. when you get back into the country, you have to declare all that money and you pay big taxes for it. Its not worth it, unless you want to see shit blow up, people killed and possibly lose your life for basicly the same amount of money you can make driving truck in the US.