Nevermore needs to write a some about American human shields in Iraq!!!!!!

Originally posted by the alumnus
are you saying iraq does not have the second largest oil reserves?

I was too quick, I thought the statement made was that the US have the second largest oil reserves in the world

secondly, if the US really is running out of oil, provide some sort of correlation between that and America's foreign policy.

I think it is evident, the US need to get access to new oil reserves in order to keep their fuel-fueled economy running. No wonder Bush didn't want to abide by Kyoto, he knows that taking drastic pro-environmental action, will damage the already stagnating economy of the US. As for US foreign politics in general...the US have a track record of showing up in countries and manipulating events the way they deem fit.

What better way then to get access to Iraq's oil by taking over Iraq and replacing Saddam with a pro-US puppet government? Sort of the killing of two birds with one stone effect.

and you can dispute the rest of the argument as "propaganda", but how else do you explain america's ambivalence towards venezuela, which was one of america's largest sources of oil before the strikes?

Ambivalence in what way?

Look I am not disputing the fact Saddam is evil etc etc. I'm just saying, this war is about power and oil, don't dress it up as some humanitarian crusade...just say, Saddam, we don't trust you, you are an evil man and incidentally, we also want your oil.
We sold you weapons before but now that you are becoming more of a threat to us and we are incidentally running out of oil, we could really benefit from a "democratic" pro-US government in Iraq. Also, the internal problems are huge right now so Bush needs a distraction to divert attention away from say...violence, recessions, Nasdaq and the health insurence issue.

One more thing, to answer your question:
perhaps the real question is what would motivate people living in a free society to risk their lives to ensure that others never enjoy that privelege? i believe it is because these so called "doves" wish to exploit the people of iraq. after all, it would be much easier to get oil from a dictator than from a democratic regime. the real imperialists are those who oppose war.

Actually it's quite the opposite. To these people a human life is worth as much as their own. They don't see war or violence as the solution. They are opposed to Saddam's regime but they don't think more bloodshed this war will certainly cause is the solution either. Bush makes it seem that if you're not with the US you're with Iraq, or the terrorist, or other evildoers, but we don't live by his self-imposed dichotomy. Just because people are against war doesn't mean they are in favor of Saddam or anti-amercian.

One more thing...what the hell is Blair thinking?
I really want to know...
@Guerrila - If I ever see you in person remind me to kick your ass. I hope your not an american, otherwise your bastard, I know many people with fathers that were American vets. I can't believe you'd say that about a soldier. Your just fucking stupid, you can't even properly direct your anger. Be angry at Governments, not soldiers. They get drafted and do what they are told, it not their fault. I'm suprised you don't have you gutting infants pic any more you fucking ass. I don't know what kind of person takes pleasure in killing infants or even has a picture of one being gutted. Your fucking waste of human life, you shoulda been gutted as an infant.
Aight now, I'm just a wandering guest who stumbled here because i was reading up about Nevermore. But now that you all had to bring this up, I can't help but give a response...

First off, I need to state that war is gay. People who want war are even gayer.

But everyone understands (or at least you should) that war is what shaped this world, and will continue to shape this world. That is, until everyone stops disagreeing with one another. To say that the US isn't involved in this for economic reasons would be pure ignorance, but it's not like another objective isn't to get rid of a pest that should have been stamped out over a decade ago. The CIA is the biggest problem here... they are many times responsible for "conflicts" that the US gets involved with. It is obvious that the CIA should be dissolved. I guarantee that at least 70% of America doesn't want war. So to all of you people outside the US, especially the ones who hate us for no good reason, THE PEOPLE DO NOT AGREE WITH THE GOVERNMENT! What a concept! Bush is a moron to the highest degree. Everything about him pisses me off. I mean hell, what other person could fill entire books with dumb quotes. Too bad in Iraq I'd already have been shot with the rest of my family for typing this.

And Cynical Sphere, uh, what can I say to you. Well, hey, if you read Bowling for Columbine you might want to look under the section entitled: "YOU CAN'T TRUST ONLY ONE SOURCE FOR YOUR INFOMATION." It's really interesting. That movie, though maybe factual, is also extremely biased. Try CNN.

War is inevitable. Everyone hates it. Maybe the problem lies with the USA, but chances are it goes a little further than that. Keep your minds open, and teach other people to do the same. Only when everyone is open to an idea will war be evaded.

Oh yeah, i forgot to say... check out , it's sooo cool!!! I am a robot and I trust everything it says without question. Sorry Cynical Sphere =).
That was fucked up "more bang for your buck". Why in the hell would a bank sell someone a gun when open an account.

after watching that Bowling movie, don't call me ignorant because i choose to believe what I see on the news. First off, were does he get any facts. Second, how credible is he. Third, believing him is believing the media.
Originally posted by Cynical Sphere

I think it is evident, the US need to get access to new oil reserves in order to keep their fuel-fueled economy running. No wonder Bush didn't want to abide by Kyoto, he knows that taking drastic pro-environmental action, will damage the already stagnating economy of the US. As for US foreign politics in general...the US have a track record of showing up in countries and manipulating events the way they deem fit.

What better way then to get access to Iraq's oil by taking over Iraq and replacing Saddam with a pro-US puppet government? Sort of the killing of two birds with one stone effect.

Ambivalence in what way?

Look I am not disputing the fact Saddam is evil etc etc. I'm just saying, this war is about power and oil, don't dress it up as some humanitarian crusade...just say, Saddam, we don't trust you, you are an evil man and incidentally, we also want your oil.
We sold you weapons before but now that you are becoming more of a threat to us and we are incidentally running out of oil, we could really benefit from a "democratic" pro-US government in Iraq. Also, the internal problems are huge right now so Bush needs a distraction to divert attention away from say...violence, recessions, Nasdaq and the health insurence issue.

One more thing, to answer your question:

Actually it's quite the opposite. To these people a human life is worth as much as their own. They don't see war or violence as the solution. They are opposed to Saddam's regime but they don't think more bloodshed this war will certainly cause is the solution either. Bush makes it seem that if you're not with the US you're with Iraq, or the terrorist, or other evildoers, but we don't live by his self-imposed dichotomy. Just because people are against war doesn't mean they are in favor of Saddam or anti-amercian.

One more thing...what the hell is Blair thinking?
I really want to know...
the question has already been posed, is attacking iraq the easiest way to get new oil reserves? i don't take that idea as fact because i don't see the evidence presenting itself. the price of oil hit a record low about 5 years ago. if you recall it went below a dollar a gallon in the US. adjusted for inflation, that was the cheapest gasoline has ever been in the history of the world. and sanctions were on iraq at the time. so the question still remains, does america really need iraq? gas prices are going up right now, but most likely because venezuela, one of america's largest suppliers of oil, is having an oil strike in the midst of government turmoil. if america needed oil, wouldn't america be sending colin powell to venezuela right now? once again, i fail to see sufficient evidence as to your allegations that this war is simply about oil.
and as far as human shields go, i still stand by my sentiments. its not that it is anti-american, it is anti-iraqi. it embodies a deep resentment towards the people of iraq. where were the human shields when the kurds fled to the hills from the iraqi government? nowhere. now suddenly they appear to shield saddam? i don't buy it. the doves claim the US has an inconsistent foreign policy, but theirs hold even less water.
Obviously I don't just base my opinions on one source of information, that source being a movie. It was just the quickest wat to refer to.
I have a Masters Degree in Politics (International Relations) and History so I have sufficient background to draw a conclusion from.

Also, the movie didn't shock me that much because it didn't present anything new or revolutionary to me. The foreign politics facts presented were events I'd already leared in highschool. The one difference is that this movie is US made which I thought might give it a bit more credible background to Americans (as opposed to a German made movie for example).

There is also no point in continuing this discussion because you have already made up your minds about this war. I for one am glad a lot of people and countries don't share your sentiments.

As for the human shield issue...the people who voluntered are opposed to war, that doesn't necassarily make them in favor of Hussain!
They are in their own way fighting for the people of Iraq. not everybody is so jaded to think that war is the only way for change. Not everybody feels that human sacrifices are necassary but justifiable for the greater good (that being 'democracy').

It reminds me of the argument Bush made about the anti-globalist protesters...if you are anti-globalistic, you are hurting the poor countries and the small farmers...

People and countries who are opposed to the war aren't in favor of Saddam's regime. it's not one or the other, no matter how much Bush would like you to believe it is.
As for the human shields go, I know they are doing it so that america will not start a war. However, if saddam will build a chemical manufactuing plant beneath a school during the gulf war, don't you think he will sacrafice their lives as well. That alone is enough to tell me that this man is a threat not only to his people but to every one else on this planet.

In addition, I think that a few lives (1000 or more) is worth the sacrafice to save billions from nuclear war. As far as North Korea, like I said many time before, if America, Britain, and (possibly) Turkey had more support we would go after then as well. Then again I think it's because no one wants a 3 world war. The worst part is that if evey one sits around and does nothing it will be to late. All the countries we could suppress would be to massive and powerfull that there would be more chaos. We must "nipp it in the budd".

"...and sacrafice Han and Leia!" Luke
"If you believe in what they fight for, yes." Yoda
i have a degree in political science. i hardly see how this is relevant to the discussion at all. you are apparently basing all of your allegations on a movie? i have not seen it, but that hardly seems like a scholarly source of information. that is why your argument holds no water.
again, what the doves fail to see is that the iraqi people are already suffering. it is too late to prevent bloodshed. really, they are causing more bloodshed by preventing the removal of a dictator. you are missing the big picture here.
and globalization is off topic here, but bush's remarks were on target. globalization benefits all. "a rising tide lifts all boats".
Are we forgetting this little thing called

For the past 3 months we have had to wait "Two weeks" for definitve proof that he has any of these alleged weapons.
And if he does he is a theat to the middle east not the world.

It may have escaped notice but Iraq isn't exacly a rich and wealthy world power like the cuntrys that want to attack it.
but all you need is enough to kill it one time over


maybe others can do a good job killing us once over too, KOREA is lying maybe they have enough to fight back. and what about china??
