dog health question

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
okay, so my collie/sheltie, max, may have eaten three turkey-calls - my brother leaves his shit lying around everywhere and my mom is sure that they're just somewhere else in the house since she only saw him with one of the holders for the calls in his mouth.

i don't wanna take any chances and have him wind up dying of an intestinal blockage or something but it looks like i'm the only one in the house who gives enough of a fuck to want to take the dog to the vet.

first question - if he did have them stuck inside of him or whatever, about how long would it take for him to be showing symptoms of something wrong and what would they be? just being sluggish, not eating? (he never touches his food anyway, the food in his bowl for breakfast will usually sit there until late afternoon) i'm out of the house pretty much all day every day now and don't know if he's been going to the bathroom reguarly or anything

second - about how much would x-rays and, if needed, the process to clear his intestines or whatever cost?

Yeah how big are they? According to Google, they're big enough that the dog would have likely choked if it tried to swallow one. And does the dog have a history of eating objects that it shouldn't?
okay, so my collie/sheltie, max, may have eaten three turkey-calls - my brother leaves his shit lying around everywhere and my mom is sure that they're just somewhere else in the house since she only saw him with one of the holders for the calls in his mouth.

i don't wanna take any chances and have him wind up dying of an intestinal blockage or something but it looks like i'm the only one in the house who gives enough of a fuck to want to take the dog to the vet.

first question - if he did have them stuck inside of him or whatever, about how long would it take for him to be showing symptoms of something wrong and what would they be? just being sluggish, not eating? (he never touches his food anyway, the food in his bowl for breakfast will usually sit there until late afternoon) i'm out of the house pretty much all day every day now and don't know if he's been going to the bathroom reguarly or anything

second - about how much would x-rays and, if needed, the process to clear his intestines or whatever cost?


I think you're better off just ringing your local vet first, so you're not wasting time and money, and explain to them what you think your dog may have done. (Because you're not too sure if ya dog really did swallow them, are you?) And then ask them for advice on what you should do. While you're at it, ask how much a Vet visit & x-rays cost, so you can prepare your self before going there.

yeah, a turkey call is like a whistle, i think. when my brother gets home, i'll ask to see one because i don't know if they're big enough for the dog to have eaten one ... or three. my brother said the dog ate three of them.

yeah, the dog is kind of uncontrollable. he's eaten huge amounts of food he shouldn't have - several pounds of raw ground beef at a time, a whole bag of white chocolate chips, etc - and been fine.
well, food is different from a wooden or metal object. white chocolate wouldn't do much because it really contains no chocolate.

if you already have a vet that you go to, i would call them and they would probably give you sincere advice. if not then i would ask friends or neighbors to recommend a good vet that wouldn't give you the run-around over the phone.
i don't think laura has the money to pay for all of that. and by the sound of the situation, her parents don't care enough to pay for it.