
"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
You know, Owning 2 American Bulldogs may have been the most challenging thing I have ever done but it also has been the greatest joy of my life. If anyone here is looking for a great dog to rescue and add a new life long member to your family I suggest adopting one of these great friends.
Walter_Langkowski said:
I love the look of these dogs and when I eventually get one they are definitely top 3 on my list of breeds to get.

Are they difficult to train Billy? And how much do the puppies usually go for?

They are easily trained and very loyal pets. Puppies go fron 350 up to 1000
but if you have the ability to adopt and have a secure family life I think that might be the best option..

Good Luck
Adopting is the best way to go.. If you purchase a dog cat please have them spayed or neuterd.. After volunteering at some local shelters at is a god damn shame how many animals are without homes becuase people dont have the sense to spay or neuter there pets.. The conditions at these shelters are appaling...
My American Bulldog, Sid.


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About my dog...
His name is Sid and he is 3 1/2 years old. My wife and I got him from a reputable breeder for practically free because he was born blind. We just paid about $100 towards some initial vet bills and he was ours. The breeder couldn't sell him, but didn't want to put him down because other than the blindness he was perfectly healthy. He was a little small (runt of the litter) and still is. He weights in at around 75 pounds (his parents were both over 100 lbs, his father pushing 120). He is solid muscle though. Even as a runt he is a powerful dog.

About a year ago we had to have one of his eyes removed due to swelling from glaucoma. I'll attach a post surgery pic.

He is extremely smart, loving, and loyal animal. He's great with kids (though a little spazztic) and gets along with my other dog (6 year old Boston Terrier) great. He's had some minor health issues (ie. the eye, and some other shit) and he's strained my wallet at times with vet bills. But he's worth every fucking penny and then some. Being a American Bulldog owner yourself, I know that you understand.

Here's a few more pics...

Sleeping with the old man...

Day after surgery...

A few days after surgery playing handsome for the wife...

Puppy pic...

And one of his fat brother Spike...

Yea... I'm a fag when it comes to dogs.

Here is a pic of my dog being bad and being somewhere he isn't supposed to be:err: :D . His name is Pudge and he is a pug/beagle mix. I also have a pure bred pug that I took from an abusive home. The lady who I got the pug from has full custody of her grandson and I guess the little 3 year old beat the shit out of it constantly and you could tell because that dog had some serious trust issues. I have never seen a mean pug but that little fucker bit the shit out of me more than a few times for no reason at all. She is all good now though, she is actually letting strangers pet her and is actually a very cool dog now. It just took alot of time and patience with the dog and gaining her trust with humans back.