Yea thats what Im looking for. Just some extra coin to buy guns, ammo, and some tequila.
Plus as I mentioned, quelling this dog longing. Every few months I research the shit out of dog breeds for a few days until I come to my senses. Were in a 2 bedroom apartment on the outskirts of the favela of my dismay. Everyone in the complex has a mutt, but I wouldnt feel right about it.
1) Its against the lease agreement.
2) No room for this hair ball to roam
3) I dont want to be taking it out to shit n piss if I got something else going on.
4) We're going to be traveling a bunch next couple of yrs, who tf is going to take care of this mutt?
So Wag/Rover may be fit the bill for all my needs. I can walk my ass off, am a swell responsible fellow, and live right adjacent to a city which has nicer homes than Beverly Hills. "Oh sure sir, i'll walk your poodle." Maybe this can parlay beyond dog walking and into sitting. Which I wouldnt be aversed to in small increments.
I dont need the coin per se. Done very well raking in the kopecks the past several years, while keeping cost of living extremely low . With that being said, everyone could use beer money and a side hustle.