Don't Know Why I Even Care So Much

Nov 15, 2003
Cotter, Ar
Alrighty kiddies, this isn't really what you think it is, so read on...

I am voicing my undying disgust with the music industry, mainly pop music. It really bothers me. I don't know why, it just does. There is no real interest in the music, as there is in people trying to exploit and capitolize on it. I give you two examples. (1.) Bryan Adams. He was hot in the 80's, and went away for most of the 90's. Near to the year 2000, he pops back up again bearing a very glam, very disturbing likeness of the since dead Curt Cobain! WTF? That is just in poor taste. (2.) I am going to get alot of flak for this one, but this example is named Jewel. Yeah, she was kinda whiny, but she had some solid songs and had a good vocal and songwriting ability. She seemed to do so with pride and conviction. She lays low for a while, a lull in her career I would guess, and next thing I know she is pumping out happy shiny poppy trash and dancing like Brittany! It was trully painful to see. You could almost see the devil sitting on her shoulder holding the contract on her soul...Like a fatal car wreck, I could not turn my eyes till it was over....Anyway, if you want to sound off on this issue, give it hell!!
That's what airbrushing will do for you. She's always been rumored to be a little overweight. Of course, there's no amount of airbrushing that will be able to hide the fact that her face looks exactly like the one that I saw pulling a carriage at Disneyland. What a horsey face!

As to the rest of the artists, it's just tactics that they're using to keep people interested in their music, especially when they see that they're no longer shifting the units that they once had. The field of Pop music always seems to get it the most, but it's also happened to Metal/Hard Rock bands as well. Judas Priest flirted with Pop (Turbo), and their sound isn't the same as it was when they first started out in the 1970's. Kiss has always been changing their sound to include Disco, Grunge, Pop, Classical and Rap (well, almost) to try to keep people interested over the last 30 years of touring and performing. Even Slayer's been accused of bringing in a Nu Metal influence to their material.
I dunno. Tough call. I mean people gotta make a living. But if the artists are doing it, and they don't really feel it, or they can't really communicate effectively with their music...then maybe they should do something else. I personally don't care about whether Jewel "sold out" or not. I am busy concentrating on getting my own musci carreer off the ground.:rock:
I can't say that I really care about what Jewel is doing either. But when someone talented has to do a 180 in the matter of months to try to keep sales up, its just sad. If your band was failing, would you ditch the metal scene and do a Backstreet Boys tribute just to keep the interest up? It would be a truly sad day indeed....
There is a difference in music influencing you in different directions, and a total assimilation of it. Some are able to pull it off, others aren't. Those who do are generally well established in the industry, and have a genuine interest. Those who don't have become record company puppets and probably hate their lives while filling out thier contracts.
Snausages said:
...and Hangar 18 and Jugular and Prymary and Resistance and Empyre and Whole Lotta Rosies and Britney Spears...
Mmm...Britney.... :dopey: :Smug: And, yes, I am a Britney Spears fan. Just ask Wrathmom about my Britney bass. :grin:
I don't really think the bands/artists in question were branching out, but severely changing their image for higher sales/interest. Besides, Metallica just cut their friggin' hair and mellowed out some. They didnt' learn to dance.