Don't really do this often... but

John Haddad (Shiva Industries)

Dump Truck Repairs
Nov 17, 2005
Corona, CA
I am trying a totally new approach at mixing ("new" for what I'm accustomed to normally doing) for this particular project and could use an outside ear/opinions on the mix. All organic (real) except for the kick drums are sampled. Still in mixing stage as why it is not mastered, just a slight mix buss compression.

Thanks In Advance,

Here's the link to said track.
Thanks for the input, the guitars are not pod signals they are 5150 II tracks, I agree they sound on the cheap side. I let them pick the guitar tones for the mix, not always the best choice I know.

The kick is a sample I made of a Yamaha Oak Custom Kit I recently uploaded here.
Here's a link to the kick if you want it.

The kick just needs a boost in the 40-60hz rage and some at 4-6khz

Here is the thread where I posted the whole kit samples as well

Thanks again for the input.