DOn't ya love these fuckin people.


Feb 4, 2002
These pictures are more than a bit frightening!

Muslims have stated that England will be the first country they take over in Europe.

These are pictures that haven't been shown on American TV or in American newspapers (curious, maybe they think we might be offended?), but were forwarded to me by a Canadian friend of a friend who thought Americans ought to know!

These pictures are of Muslims marching through the streets of London during their recent "Religion of Peace" demonstration and protesting the Danish newspaper editorial cartoon of the Koran.









Why would anyone think
that we should be at war
with such nice, peaceful people?!
Americans need to Know - Think about forwarding this one on!

Sorry, here's the pics. Now as much as I don't like these fucks and there stupid religion is it just me or does the printing on most of the signs look like it is a similar print despite the fact that these marchers are completly different.





Wow...fuck them. They're just a bunch of Lemming savages aren't they? Do they even think? Nope, I forgot...they're all brainwashed.
fuck them, i'll be standing on the corner of nolensville pike and bell rd in about 10 minutes if one of these fucking pieces of shit want to come "give the answer to the cancer" or "behead me". fucking scumbag assholes. i'll stomp a fucking hole in their head the size of pittsburg.

if you think you represent islam then fuck you and your extremist view of your religion

I don't know to many people of Islamic faith but if this is how most of them act (and I hope I'm wrong), then fuck Allah in the but with a piece of razor wire.
I'm sure the printing on the signs look the same for a reason! I doubt half of these ignorant fucks could read their own language, let alone a foreign one!
MikeyBong said:
I'm sure the printing on the signs look the same for a reason! I doubt half of these ignorant fucks could read their own language, let alone a foreign one!
They might not know how to use a napkin, but they all know how to read that Koran. Don't forget that arabs invented and(or) brought to Europe a lot of shit europeans didn't have a clue about. My point is not to praise the fuckers, but also not to underestimate them.
This is old news. Our government/police are so worried about upsetting these people that this is common place. The indigenous people don't count for fuck all anymore. That's why the number of indigenous brits leaving the country is at it's highest ever.

Tony Blair = Fucking Cunt. You yanks (not you guys personally) think he's great. He's not. And his wife sticks up for these sick fucks to defend their 'human rights'. What about our rights not to put up with these fucking intolerant cunts. If they hate the west and the UK, then fuck off back to where you come from and then we can spend all the money they claim on benefits to actually have some police/decent schools/hospitals.

You heard about faith schools? Yep, tony blair wants schools set up based on faith - i.e. muslim only schools. How the fuck will that ever help to intergrate immigrants and sort out the problems we see these days. Makes me fucking sick.
Thanks for the info Davro. I like many Americans thought Blare was O.k, I don't know if your aware (I'm sure you ARE ) BUT THE AMERICAN MEDIA censors this shit so we think all these fucks want to be nice. They are always made out to be the victims.. In this day in age you have to turn to forign news and the net for the truth and even then you can't believe everything you see. Everyone has an agenda.
When I win the lotto I plan to move to a deserted island. No Lawyers, religious nuts, or emo kids will be aloud. Metal, and Punk rockers are welcome.
radical islamofacism is a cancer that it destroying all of Europe. As soon as the radical Muslims acheive their goal af creating an Islamafied Europe, they plan on trying to do the same in North America.

We need some politicians in this country who have some real balls, and do to these people what we did to Japan and Germanyin WWII.
manthatfollowshell said:
...We need some politicians in this country who have some real balls, and do to these people what we did to Japan... .
What's that, bomb them, and then rebuild them even better than ever so they can become superior to us? No thanks!