Doomcifer, I invite you in.......

Dick Sirloin

please... stay safe
Jan 6, 2004
Can you tell me anything about the following bands?

May Blitz
World Of Oz
Jade Warrior

Also: has anyone heard of Jacula? Supposedly a supermegaobscure Italian band from the late sixties, but it sounds like BLACK METAL. I mean, just look at the cover:

It can't possibly be real, and many people have called hoax. But some record collectors and people supposedly from the area swear that it's real. I call bullshit, but it's still somewhat intriguing. See for yourself.

Jacula was formed in Milan in 1968 by occultist Antonio Bartoccetti. After finding his creative partner in Doris Norton, a partnership that would last through the next decade, they recorded a landmark album in London in 1969. The album had a limited pressing of some 300 albums, and for many years was forgotten. In fact many texts list their second album as their debut album. The otherwise excellent 'Return of Italian Pop' book evens says the group was founded in 1972.
heard jacula before and saying they "sound like black metal" is a bigger stretch than the goatse man

this riff is grim though it sounds like hellhammer
Maybe not black metal, but keep in mind this is 1969 when Cream and Hendrix and The Who were the heaviest bands of all time. If this is real, then it is LIGHT YEARS ahead of its time.

[ame=""]Well, it's on Amazon, so it HAS to be real![/ame]
it's not actually "heavier" than black sabbath who existed at the same time but yeah sure it's immensely original for the time, it's just not 1) actually similar to black metal in any reasonable way or 2) good

i wonder how they even coaxed that celtic frost guitar tone out of a 1969 amp though
You know what this sounds like? The obligatory 3 minute intro track on every black metal album released since 2002.
i would agree with that. except with an organ. and that's why it's EXTREMELY ANNOYING

also devil doll
1) actually similar to black metal in any reasonable way

What are you the black metal genre police now? :lol:

I'm tellin' yeh, these chords and tones simply didn't exist in rock music back then. I can think of nothing, and I've heard a shit-ton of shit from the period.
I'm tellin' yeh, these chords and tones simply didn't exist in rock music back then. I can think of nothing, and I've heard a shit-ton of shit from the period.

yeah i'm sure power chords didn't exist in 1969

i'm not saying "triumphatus sad" doesn't not sound like anything else from the period, but you have two riffs that could fit on a hellhammer demo and everyone's like "holy freakin shit i just found a black metal band from 1969. nargaroth eat your heart out." and that's what annoys me

but you're right, these are definitely not traditional rock progressions. it's more like they decided to play that spooky organ shit they do on every other song on distorted guitar for once
Dude, I don't even think it's REAL.

I meant "chord progressions."

If it's real, I would like to own the vinyls just for the covers and the RARE OOP value they must possess.
i don't see why it wouldn't be real honestly

it's a bit of an anachronism, implausible but not impossible, and the effort/impact ratio is way too shit for anyone to have faked this
i think shit like this is SUPREMELY annoying, i've been listening to this for research only because i really hate it

actually now that i listen to the song on progarchives i'm thinking this MIGHT be fake actually, will report back later with final verdict
You couldn't see some prog geek in his late thirties giggling in glee at the thought of this?

It's just weird that the first time (?) grim music like this was played on electric guitar (I can think of nothing else at the moment, Doomcifer help) was by some faggy Italians who only released 300 copies
actually now that i listen to the song on progarchives i'm thinking this MIGHT be fake actually, will report back later with final verdict

That's the only one I'd heard. It just sounds... off. Keep in mind I know nothing about recording techniques.
This is super boring. Technically they aren't even chords. There's no chords and no chord progression. Not much going on here.
it's fake

this video says in the credits that it was recorded in 1973 and edited in 2007. it has footage from a studio around 0:26 where you can clearly see a roland re-301 chorus-echo unit. the roland re-301 chorus-echo was released in 1979 according to this so welp i guess some prog nerds spent too much money on crappy vinyl records, sucks to be them
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This is super boring. Technically they aren't even chords. There's no chords and no chord progression. Not much going on here.

There is in the sample Erik posted.
(also: extra LOL at dorian not only discussing music but inlying musical things like chords and scales and riffs :lol:)
This is super boring. Technically they aren't even chords. There's no chords and no chord progression. Not much going on here.

grimness is beyond your grasp anyway

Triumphatus Sad (-_-) is the only song with the fuzz on the album. The rest is like a deluxe soundtrack to an Ed Wood flick, complete with church organ to the max grotesque wind sounds straight out of a NES Final Fantasy game.