Doomcifer, I invite you in.......

it's fake

this video says in the credits that it was recorded in 1973 and edited in 2007. it has footage from a studio around 0:26 where you can clearly see a roland re-301 chorus-echo unit. the roland re-301 chorus-echo was released in 1979 according to this so welp i guess some prog nerds spent too much money on crappy vinyl records, sucks to be them

Fuck, I haven't seen that. Anyone with a brain and ears can tell THAT'S fake...
Fuck, I haven't seen that. Anyone with a brain and ears can tell THAT'S fake...

well it says it was edited in 2007 so that would neatly explain the quality, but like... who records footage for a music video in 1973? a band that releases shit in 300 copies? and why is it not grainy? undoubtedly in 1973 it would have been shot on super-8 or a really shitty format like that and have all sorts of dust and grain in the picture but this shit is crystal clear.

even given the benefit of all those doubts, the fact remains that they are using an effect box just that didn't exist when they claim to have recorded the footage, so i'm throwing this shit right out of court
grimness is beyond your grasp anyway

Triumphatus Sad (-_-) is the only song with the fuzz on the album. The rest is like a deluxe soundtrack to an Ed Wood flick, complete with church organ to the max grotesque wind sounds straight out of a NES Final Fantasy game.

nice job editing out "it's definitely not fake" from this post :yell:
wow, i'd totally forgotten this band existed or that i owned them so fuckin handsomely itt