

New Metal Member
Feb 1, 2004
Hey, this is Matt, the bass player from Rictus Grin. I just wanted to say thanks for playing our little show at The Rave. Also, sorry about the akward moments from being blinded by the lights.... I think some of them got moved a bit in all the commotion when we tore down the backline so you could bring your gear up, and may have ended up aimed up a bit more. Oh well, you guys sounded great irregardless. Again, thanks alot for driving up. Hopefully I'll get to see you guys play again sometime soon. Jason usually lets me know about shows, so I can always catch a ride with him. Well, see you guys later...


Contacts: (my black metal band)
Destiss2003 said:
Hey, this is Matt, the bass player from Rictus Grin. I just wanted to say thanks for playing our little show at The Rave. Also, sorry about the akward moments from being blinded by the lights.... I think some of them got moved a bit in all the commotion when we tore down the backline so you could bring your gear up, and may have ended up aimed up a bit more. Oh well, you guys sounded great irregardless. Again, thanks alot for driving up. Hopefully I'll get to see you guys play again sometime soon. Jason usually lets me know about shows, so I can always catch a ride with him. Well, see you guys later...


Contacts: (my black metal band)
matt has the nicest hair in both of his bands too.....hell...hed even give me a run fer nice hairness[well not really but.....]
Awwww... well thanks alot, I do try my best to keep it looking nice. We all need to go out and eat again soon, so we can show off our immaculate hair. Then Mark can talk like Mill's, and it will be great. I need more free time..... Well, guess I should be seeing you tomorrow at work, you total fucking murderer you. :kickass:
