Dorian's Mistress

Likely. But I'm not married, so I don't have the in-house infidelity concerns. Only homicidal cuckholded husbands to dodge.
I think my last post was actually way alliterated. Must be the bourbon.

Would now be a bad time to say that I've not actually had sex with a single woman in two years?
To be fair there have been single women. just sort of sandwiched between married women. 4.. married women.. technically.
I swear to all things unholy, I don't actually TRY to get involved with them.. yet somehow it always happens. And of course I never resist..
The only reason I'm not dead is if they actually talk they admit they've cheated. Which they won't do. But if for some reason any one of their husbands fucks around, it will come out... and you may find me hiding in your mini at that point.